
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Victoria knew she could identify flowers and what effect they would have on a person.  She could choose flowers and know what emotion they would evoke and what the person receiving the flowers needed.

Victoria had a talent, but she was a foster child moving from one home to the next and had to deal with this ordeal first......then she turned 18 and was turned out of the foster care system and on her own.  Where would she go and what would she do now?  After sleeping in the woods for some time, hunger and cold made her walk boldly into a flower shop and ask to help the florist.  This was the beginning of a great relationship between Victoria and her talent with had instinctively been developed in her and was a natural gift.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the book was absolutely wonderful and beautifully written. 
I totally and completely LOVED it.

You could definitely connect with Victoria even though she was a mean, angry foster child until she met her loving foster mother, Elizabeth.  It was amazing how Victoria changed into someone who was in tune with feelings and something as delicate as flowers because of  Elizabeth.  Elizabeth also had a secret, and the mystery thrown in kept you wondering what had happened in the past.

The book became better with each turn of the page.  It was exceptional in terms of writing and storyline.  I enjoyed how smoothly the book went from Victoria's childhood to the present.

To me this book stood for unconditional love, for hardship, for talent, for disappointment, and for working for what you really want.   

I can definitely see why it is being considered the publishing event of is indescribably incredible.


  1. People were tweeting about this book so much the other day, I'm taking it with me on our trip. I can't wait to read it.

  2. I haven't heard of this before, so thank you for the review - you're review is so thoughtful and provocative.

  3. You got my attention earlier in the week and now a great review. I am very interested, will add to my Wishlist.

  4. I read an YA book about the meaning of flowers and really enjoyed it. I'll have to look into this one.

  5. Oh yay! I won this via LibraryThing and now I can't wait to read it!

  6. Definitely sounds like a good read. I like your masthead. Where is that?

  7. My header is Portree, Scotland. Loved visiting there.

  8. I have just found your blog. Wow, what a wonderful header photo. I'm new here so maybe I should know but... don't tell me you live there? It's beautiful!

  9. What I'm trying to say is, you need an 'about' page on yr blog...

  10. I've seen this book around, but didn't really understand what it was about. Your review makes it clear, and it sounds like a great book.

  11. Silver Elizabeth, I think I've been following you everywhere in this blog party of that dear man - Cym Lowell! I had not heard of this book but I want it now.

  12. is fun to follow someone around.

    The book was wonderful...I am glad I introduced you to one you think you will like.

    It won't be published until August 23, though.

    You will LOVE it.

  13. Old follower ...thanks for stoppin' by my blog. ~This sounds like my kind of book ...heartwarming. I'll have to keep an eye out for this one. Thanks for the review.

    Take good care. :)

  14. Great review! Now I want to read this book along with all the folks who are talking about it . . .

  15. It does like a beautiful and serene spot.

  16. A fantastic cover. This sounds like an engrossing read. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  17. Hi Elizabeth! I like your blog, too. That's a beautiful picture for the title! Sure wish I had as many dedicated commenters as you have!

    Looking forward to staying in touch and reading your reviews!

  18. That's great, I got an ARC at the RH Tea I have been saving it to savor.
    Thanks for visiting. Following. Steph
    <a href="”)> Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust</a>

  19. Elizabeth
    I thought I wanted to read this book, and after reading your review, I know that I want to read it! Wonderful Review!!

  20. Hi! Mina here! I found my way over to your blog. Love it here! And great review. :0)

  21. Thanks for the follow! NEW FOLLOWER!

  22. I'm definitely sold. This one just went straight on the to-buy list! Thanks for such a wonderful, enthusiastic review!

  23. I have an ARC of this book and I was planning on reading it in August... but I think I'll bump it up sooner, it sounds that good.

  24. This sounds such a wonderful book and your review is so good. Thank you for this post. It is a new book for me so I was very appreciative to read this.

  25. Thanks for stopping by - this book sounds like a great read - I already follow you and always enjoy my visits to your blog! :-)


  26. I also loved this book! I enjoyed visiting your blog!

  27. A beautifully written first novel. The protagonist grabs your heart on the first page and never lets go. A testament to the human spirit and our need to connect to other human beings.

  28. This is a lovely novel and your review nails it!!

    1. It is lovely....thanks for the compliment and for commenting, recca.
