
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Mine by John A. Heldt

Going back in time wasn't what Joel Smith had in mind when he and his friend Adam took a break from finals.

It was the year 2000 when he started his day and the year 1941 when his day ended. He had barely any money and only credit cards which definitely were of no use to him in 1941.

Joel found himself back in the time when everything moved slowly and without technology it moved even more slowly, but Joel made the best of the 1940's.  In fact, things were working out very well for him after about a week.

I was reading this book while on a train across Pennsylvania to New York.  It turned out to be the perfect book for this trip because of the nostalgic feel of the train and the adorable towns that whizzed by.  It felt like I had been transported back to the 1940's for those 10 hours, and I loved it.

The author had plenty of humor, flashbacks, a great storyline, wonderful characters, and great detail.  The characters were very likable, and it was easy to feel their pain, their sorrows, and their agony with decisions.  It was a sweet, nostalgic trip back in time but turned a little eerie when Joel met future relatives.  Joel did have some fun, though, when he could bet on fights and baseball games and win big in gambling games with others because he knew the outcomes.

This book was quite enjoyable.   The author did a great job with the storyline and in keeping my interest.  I am not sure I would have wanted to have been transported back to another time period, but it was perfect for a quick, delightful read.  

This book can be described as one with something for everyone. The author took an idea and stretched it to a point that you won't want to return from. The ending line should give everyone some inspiration....take crumbs of information that someone may leave you and run with them. You may be surprised at the results. 5/5




  1. I have a copy of this book for review I need to pull it up and read/review.
    My schedule has been cray. But I need to put this on the front burner.

    Thanks I enjoyed your review.

  2. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting, Patricia.

    It was an enjoyable book. Let me know what you think when you are done.

    Glad you liked my review...THANKS.


  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    It is now April 2013 and I have just received a reviw request for this book from the author.

    My immediate thoughts when I read the synopsis, were jut how similar it sounds to the storyline of the film 'Back To The Future', especially when you describe Joel meeting his future relatives and him betting and winning on sporting games.

    I am looking forward to reading the book, after reading your review, as it doesn't sound to be too heavy going, which was what I feared when I realised that 'The Mine' was a time travel book.

    Thanks for the recommendation,


  4. I enjoyed this book :)

  5. THANKS for stopping by, Teena.

    It was pretty good, Yvonne...thanks for trusting my opinion.
