
Friday, May 9, 2014

Chateau of Secrets by Melanie Dobson

From France during WWII and back to the United States...the Duchant family will steal your heart.

CHATEAU OF SECRETS blends the charm of the old world and the fast-paced world of current day.  The reader will move from the Duchant family's Chateau d'Epines in France to the Duchant family’s descendants in Virginia.  The author's marvelous way with words and the research Ms. Dobson did is incredible.  Her descriptions of feelings and landscapes is amazing.

The family's chateau, the secrets the characters held for decades, the era in history, and the characters themselves will pull you right into the story.  You will follow the main character, Gisele, during the German occupation of Saint-Lo, France, and see through her eyes ​the horrors people had to endure as well as see the people who helped each other make it through WWII.
You will also be with Chloe as she visits the present-day Chateau in order to find her roots and to find out what the real story was that her grandmother and a friend were reluctant to reveal.

CHATEAU OF SECRETS had me reading non-stop for the entire day.  This time in history is my favorite, and the storyline was marvelous. CHATEAU OF SECRETS is going to be one of my favorite reads of 2014.

If you enjoy books set during WWII and flipping back and forth from the present to the past, you won't want to miss this marvelous book. 

CHATEAU OF SECRETS will have you turning the pages and staying up late in​to​ the night.  Ms. Dobson’s writing style and the book’s storyline are wonderful. 5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.​


  1. Good review - I'll add it to my list.

  2. Looks like a fantastic book. I'll have to add it to my TBR.

  3. THANKS for stopping, Ann.

    You will love it if you like historical fiction.

  4. I hope you get to read it, Michelle.

    THANKS for stopping.

  5. This is definitely my kind of read. Thanks for reviewing and recommending it!

  6. THANKS for stopping, Carole.

    It was quite good.

    I hope you get to read the book.

  7. I've got this one coming up and have been really looking forward to it. Now I can't wait! Great review!

  8. I hope you love it as much as I did, Katherine.

    THANKS for stopping.

  9. Sounds great!
    I reviewed a WWII novel based on 2 true stories this week as well - book tour for Daisies Are Forever [with Kindle HDX giveaway!] Stop by and enter if you'd like and maybe discover another fav ! =)

  10. Thanks, Faith Hope and Cherrytea. I do enjoy WWII books. If you haven't read The Paris Architect, you may want to check it out.

    Heading to your blog.

    THANKS for stopping.

  11. Looks like a good one! TBR'd on GoodReads.

  12. It is very good, LuAnn.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  13. This sounds right up my alley, and if it's one of your favorites of the year, then I best get my hands on a copy!

  14. This sounds like a good one.
    Great review!
