
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The House We Grew Up In by Lisa Jewell

Four children then three, traditional chocolate-Easter-egg hunts ​where you had to save the foil wrappings, a tidy house and then a very cluttered one. 

The Bird family was loving but very eccentric with Lorelei, the mother, being the oddest of all and who kept a secret that made her hold onto things.

Colin her husband re-installed the wall in their once duplex house and lived next door to his wife, Megan turned out to be a neat freak, Beth never left home until she was 30 because she thought her mother needed her, and the twins were total opposites as well as having a tragic incident happen to them.

There were a lot of strange things about the Birds, but they all loved each other.  As the years went on and the children grew into adults​, Lorelei still held onto their childhood toys, clothes, blankets, ​and even drawings as she herself remained an adult​ child and a compulsive shopper and hoarder.  The children couldn't believe what was in their childhood home when they visited and how they had to navigate through a small path surrounded with things Lorelei just had to have and couldn't part with.
If you want to read a book that will have you shaking your head but also not wanting to put the book down because of total enjoyment, you will want to read THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN. 
The storyline and writing were marvelous.

I enjoyed THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN because of the unique, creative storyline with characters that kept you wanting to know how each of their lives would turn out.  They all were quite unconventional, but you couldn’t help but love them.

THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN will have you thinking back to your childhood and wonder if what happened in the home you grew up in has actually shaped you into the person you are today.

We definitely can't forget the cover.  It is absolutely gorgeous with the egg being the basis of the Bird family's many memories of their Easter egg hunts which kept them all connected.

Along with being a beautifully told story, THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN has a happy ending along with characters you will remember long after you turn the last page.  

I don't think there will be any reader no matter what their preferred genre is who won't get caught up in this splendid story. 

My rating is going to be a 4/5 simply because I was lost in the beginning pages, but the rest of the book definitely made up for my being lost.  

Make THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN a must read for yourself.

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.


  1. I hope you get to read this book.

    ENJOY if you do.

  2. Sounds like a rather odd, but intriguing, read. I still want to read it, so thanks!

  3. You will love it, Rita.

    I hope you get to read it.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  4. It definitely sounds like an interesting book!

  5. Thank you for stopping by, Elizabeth.

    It was quite interesting.

  6. This has been on my wishlist for awhile so I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'll definitely have to read this one as it sounds unique and satisfying. Thanks for sharing!

  7. It was very good. Amusing but also heartwarming.

    THANKS for stopping, Katherine.

    Will be looking forward to what you think.

  8. This review gets me even more excited to read this one!!

  9. I'm in a nostalgic mood and this sounds like a book that would fit it. Nice review!

  10. Thank you so much, Susan.

    It was nostalgic to think back to my childhood with eight kids. I still don't know how my mother did it.

    Thanks for stopping. I think you will enjoy this book.

  11. What a very nice thing to say, Shoshanah. Thanks so much.

    Thanks for stopping, and I truly hope you enjoy the book as much as I did.

  12. I've been drawn to that cover! If I get the chance to read this, I'll remember to stick with it through the confusing beginning.

  13. Awesome review. I've been on the fence about this but yours is the review that I think will convince me to read it.

  14. You should like it, Holly.

    So nice to hear my review helped.

    Thanks for stopping.

  15. Definitely don't give up on it, Kathy.

    Yes...the cover is gorgeous.

    Thanks for stopping.

  16. I have an arc of this and I promise to not let the beginning put me off. Unsure when I'll read it.

  17. I think I would like this one. Disfunctional families are my favorite (in fiction!).

  18. LOL, stacybuckeye.

    You will like it a lot.

    THANKS for stopping.

  19. You should like it, Anita.

    I hope you read it soon and enjoy it as I did.

    Thanks for stopping.
