
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Do you do this?

Are your shelves like this?
I have them like this on only one bookshelf.
This is a small bookshelf in an upstairs room.


  1. My TBR pile is insane right now. And I keep buying more books. It's not too smart.

  2. Mine used to be like that. I got rid of a few hundred books a couple of years ago, and also some actual shelves. Mostly I collect e-books.

  3. I try not to but if I run out of room then I have to do it until I get more shelves/space.

  4. I shelve my books however they fit. The dog might eat them otherwise. :)

  5. I do this all the time. The alternative would be just too bad, I'd have to give up most of my books. :(

  6. My shelves were like that recently but I painted my bookshelf so I took all the books off and then weeded through them to either keep or giveaway. So now the books are only one level deep.
