
Friday, February 1, 2019

I Invited Her In by Adele Parks

E-mailing a long-lost friend about getting together seemed like the right thing to do, and Abi knew Mel wouldn’t resist her plea about needing her.

Abi e-mailed Mel with her story of how her husband had cheated on her and how she wanted to re-connect.

When Abi arrived, it seemed she had more on her agenda than getting re-connected with Mel.  I actually sensed the true evilness of her plan.  She definitely was an excellent actress.

Abbi kept up her plan since it was working and didn’t seem to want to change anything.  She was in a friend’s house with a lovely family. She was away from her ex-husband.  She had Mel, the all-trusting friend, and there was no reason to leave this cozy, rent-free existence.

Mel made me want to tell her to open her eyes and see what Abi was actually doing.

We follow Abi and Mel in alternating chapters that tell of their present and past lives as we piece together what had happened and why Abi pretended to be a friend when in fact was seeking revenge and was jealous of Mel.

The more I read about Abi and what she was doing, the more I disliked her.  She wasn't a friend at all.  

When the reader finds out just what is actually going on, you will question if that had been Abi's plan from the beginning or if it was something else that brought her to Mel's doorstep.

She did things to destroy Mel's life.  She ruined the family life that Ben and Mel had carefully put together, cherished, and enjoyed.

I INVITED HER IN pulled me in from the beginning, and the intrigue didn't stop as the twists and revelations came to the surface.

If you enjoy tension, a conniving main character, and secrets many characters are keeping, this book is for you. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


  1. This was my first Adele Parks’ book.

    Very good..

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. This one sounds psychologically satisfying.

    1. It was very psychologically satisfying. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Judy,

  3. I have this waiting for me in my Kindle. I am so behind in my reading. So busy with tours that my reading time has been affected. I so wish I could read 24/7 and not have to worry about RL.

    1. Unfortunately, reading time does get pushed back when other things get in the way.

      Thanks for commenting, Cheryl.

  4. I have bookmarked this one. Great review, and I do love to hate some characters.

    1. Thanks about my review.

      I KNOW you will like this one, Laurel. :)

      Oh yes on loving to hate some characters...Abi is definitely one of those characters.

      Thanks for commenting.

  5. Sounds really good and, at the same time, really frustrating, lol.

    1. It is more good than frustrating but it was frustrating to see what she kept doing.

      Thanks for commenting, Mary.

  6. Well Abi sure sounds like a character to put into the strongly dislike side of the page!

    1. She definitely is on the strongly dislike side. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Kathryn.

  7. Replies
    1. LOL...WICKED is a great adjective!! :)

      Thanks for commenting, reeca.

  8. I'm definitely going to get this one. Thanks!

    1. :)

      It is definitely one to be read.

      ENJOY, and thanks for commenting, Carole.

  9. Now read this - enjoyable but really the villainess didn't ring true to me. And in NZ it would be illegal to marry your father's ex spouse. Have pinned your review to my Book Journal board. Cheers

    1. Thanks for checking back, Carole, and for sharing that information.
