
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Orphan's Song by Lauren Kate

Abandoned by her mother at two days old and seeing another mother abandon her child at the orphanage turned Violetta off from ever wanting to be a wife or a mother.

When Violetta meets Mino from the boys’ side of the orphanage, it is instant attraction, but he wants what she won’t give him - a promise to be his wife and mother of his children which would be a way out of the orphanage, but she can't do it. 

The Incurables is an orphanage that stresses music.  Violetta works hard at her singing, but it isn’t what she really wants.

What she really wants is to know who her mother is, to find Mino’s mother, to be able to love Mino, and to be part of the coro that sings behind panels at The Incurables.

We follow Mino and Violetta in their separate lives and both wishing they were together. You will feel their pain and sorrow and wonder how it will turn out for them.

Ms. Kate’s writing style is smooth and inviting.  I was immediately pulled into the book because of the story line and the characters. You could feel yourself with characters as they went to many a masked party in Venice and then spent their isolated days.

THE ORPHAN'S SONG is a mesmerizing read that takes us into the streets of Venice and into its churches during the 1700's as we experience the mystery and the beauty of the music and its captivating hold on those who hear the violins playing and the singing of the girls in the coro.

If you enjoy books set in Venice, books set in the 1700's, lovers longing for each other, music, a family saga, secrets, and a beautiful, well-researched story line, you will want to add THE ORPHAN'S SONG to your reading list.

THE ORPHAN'S SONG is a heartfelt read that will leave you longing for more and wanting to visit Venice for its beauty, its history, and its people.  5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Most of my friends would love this but I generally don't love that time period so I'll probably skip this one.

  2. Orphans, Venice and music? Hits all my soft spots.

    1. It is a wonderful book.

      Thanks for commenting, Judy.

  3. It sounds poignant and lovely! ����

    1. It is both of those and more. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Reading Ladies Book Club.
