
Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship by Lisa Verge Higgins

Letters, letters, letters...did yours arrive yet?

They weren't letters you would want to receive, though.   They were letters from Rachel, a dear friend who had died unexpectedly, and contained her last wishes for each friend to carry out.  Would you go to great lengths to fulfill a friend's dying wish?

Most of the requests were outlandish, but were sent to be sure her friends would find happiness or do something they would never dream of doing.  She really wanted all of her friends to improve something in their lives. 

Of course the friends felt obligated to carry out the requests even though Kate felt hers seemed to be the most daring and Jo argued that what could be worse than the one she received...but then came Sarah's.....all agreed hers seemed the most fun.  They also thought that the attorney had mixed up the could Rachel expect Kate and Jo to complete these requests.  Or maybe she knew something they didn't know about what was best for her friends?

The book is refreshing, light, and at times a teary read that lets you enjoy some adventures both good and bad with the characters.  It also makes you realize that sometimes unexpected circumstances are just what you need even though you don’t think you could even come close to being able to achieve the goal. 

As her dear friends gathered at the grave for the year anniversary of Rachel’s death, they all agreed:  “Rachel didn’t want us to through it alone.”  Page 335

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