
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little Princes by Conor Grennan

A war-torn country, orphaned children, child traffickers, poverty, starvation, and wonderful volunteers to alleviate some of the pain.  LITTLE PRINCES lets us into this world of heartbreak and unbelievable circumstances that children and citizens have to endure.  Conor was a special person who fell in love with the children and had an obsession/passion to help the people of Nepal, especially those dear children, to find their families.

The story begins by telling us about the adventures of young men and women who bike ride for pleasure from country to country or come voluntarily to help at orphanages and then become completely attached and immersed in this life of innocent, exuberant children.  The book tells how you can and do become attached to the heartwarming children and their innocence and acceptance of their lives....they know nothing else and are happy.  Conor is an amazing young man who was determined to find the parents of the children who had been taken from their family by a man who said he would provide a better life for their children when in fact the children were left starving in the street. This man took every last penny and whatever these hopeful families had to give.

Giving up your time to travel to a third-world country to help children definitely takes a special person.  LITTLE PRINCES makes you appreciate what we have in terms of food, civility, and comforts.  I admire the volunteers who risk their own lives to help others in third-world countries.

The book was brilliantly written...the author is very expressive, writes with great detail, and makes you feel as though you are right there sharing all the experiences.  The description of the country, the villages, and its poverty is exceptional.  Kudos to you Conor for your work and dedication.  5/5


  1. What an amazing tale of Conor's experiences. And what an amazing person Conor is as well.

  2. This does sound amazing! I love to read stories like this and so admire the people who practice what they preach by helping others in need.

  3. Sounds like an inspired book - great review. Thanks so much for popping by and linking up to my weekend creation blog hop at Shah .X

  4. I'm in the middle of reading the Little Princes I agree with you - it is a 5 star book!

  5. This sounds like a great book. It's just the sort of thing I like to read. Thanks for the review!

  6. Whoa, I had no idea what this book was about. I will absolutely read it now. Thank you!

  7. You are welcome, Tiger...glad I helped you.

  8. Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for dropping by my blog from the Weekend Blog Hop...Love your beautiful blog and I look forward to reading more reviews.

  9. This book is steadily climbing to the top of my list. What a fabulous review :)

  10. Thanks, Laurie...I sure do hope you stop back.

  11. Hi Elizabeth!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!

    I am now following you. Please follow me if you haven't already done so!!

    I would also like to invite you to join the Over 40 Bloggers Club!! Take a look and join in the fun!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  12. A really good review - as ever - Elizabeth. It's too easy to forget as we spin around in our busy but essentially comfortable lives, that stories like this are playing out.

  13. hi there- following you back!
    have a great week, laura

  14. Sounds like a touching and powerful story.

    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  15. What a great review!!! Going to enter the giveaway and hoping to win because now I want to read this one!!!
    Mash at aol dot com

  16. Nice review. I'll have to keep this book in mind.

    Visiting via Cym Lowell's. Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

  17. I really really have been wanting to read this book! All of the reviews are raves, and if I don't win it, I'm buying it!

  18. Sounds like as story that needs to be told. I hope the giveaway brings you some new readers. I hope you do get a chance to read The Typist, it's funny how all the men react in the story because only women were trained typists in those days (at least in people's minds).

  19. This sounds like one of those books that make you a better person from having read it.

    Love your review!

  20. I would love to win a copy but I live in Canada. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  21. Unfortunately, Im not a US-resident but it could be nice to get an ebook giveaway and a review in return. Thanks for the comments and visiting my blog as well.

  22. I'm sure it would be a tear jerker for me, Elizabeth -injustice always makes me cry.
