
Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Pondering with a Purpose is hosted by Brenda 

This week's question is:

Do you make new year's resolutions? And if so, do you keep them?

My Answer is:

I normally do not make new year's resolutions not because I can't keep them, but I just never thought of making them.  :)

I should make one this year, though, and stick to it.  Try to not accept so many books for review when I already have a ton of them waiting for me.  :)  Not sure I will stick with it, but at least I wrote it down and made it public.  :)

That is a VERY difficult resolution as any reader knows.  
We can't say "no"  - well at least I can't.  :)  

I do have to say, though, I got tough on myself the past few months and did turn down about ten books.  

Yikes........I know...that is a lot of books to turn down, but I have so many books and only so many hours in the day.  :)

What is your resolution if you have one or make them? 


  1. Looks like a good new year's resolution. I have already begun to cut down on review copies. It will be my new year resolution too :)

  2. I have given up on resolutions. I will try my best and be done with it. **Sigh** (Yes, I've always failed at those darn resolutions). Good luck with yours!

  3. I gave up on resolutions because I never followed through - much like reading challenges.

  4. I make resolutions, or rather, goals. I'm much better at making them realistic now too! Have a great new year. :)

  5. Let's try to keep this resolution...we can work on it together, Harvee.

    It will be difficult. :)

  6. It is hard to make a resolution when you love something as much as reading. I hope I don't have to resolve not to knit.

  7. I would actually say that my resolution is to start reading more books. I haven't read a book through the past year. I love to read, but I just never have the time to. : )

  8. I usually fail at resolutions, but I do want to cut back on accepting new review books. You're right though, it's much harder than expected to turn them down! Good luck to us both!

  9. Joseph...I didn't mean I would stop way would I do that.

    I mean to stop saying yes to EVERY book since I have so many already.

    I won't stop, but I will cut down. :)

  10. I never make New Year's Resolutions. If I decide to change something, I do it then and there, I don't think I ever made one on New Year. I have made some during summer holidays, while away from home, and I usually stick to them but making a resolution because I'm supposed to ... mmmh, not really. I don't think I'll change the amount of reading. I read in any free minute I have because I enjoy it, so I will continue doing that.

  11. I like that resolution.... nothing is more infuriating to a writer than to think someone is actually going to review their book and then never see the review posted.
    Keeping it honest will actually work out best for all!

    Thanks so much for pondering with me Elizabeth... and Happy New Year!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I made the same resolution and I think many bloggers I know are starting to feel the same way even though it's a hard thing to do!

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't make resolutions because I don't keep them. Good intentions and all that but...oh well. Have a great New Year!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't make resolutions because I don't keep them. Good intentions and all that but...oh well. Have a great New Year!
