
Monday, November 18, 2013

Tahoe Chase by Todd Borg

Owen McKenna is back again breaking hearts, breaking jaws, breaking rules, and solving murders.

Murders that were made to look like accidents were plaguing this ski town, and all the reasons for the murders were pointing back to one man, Joe, who was opposing the building of another ski resort.  Could this be the real reason or was it a diversion?

Why would someone want to hurt or kill anyone associated with Joe and especially his sweet wife?  Joe had no idea, and Owen was on the trail as one person after another kept being eliminated.  It wasn't an easy trail to follow even in ski country.

The characters are well developed as in Mr. Borg's other books, and most are likable and pleasant, especially Owen. The book also brought up domestic abuse and psychological issues along with the murders.  Every facet was very well researched.

The tension of the investigation isn't one that will have you chewing your fingernails, but I liked it that way.  It is a good mystery that will have you guessing until the end about who the murderer is. TAHOE CHASE has a good twist on who the murderer turns out to be.  I thought I definitely knew, but did not guess correctly.  I actually had two suspects in mind, and neither was correct.  :)

TAHOE CHASE was an easy, smooth read with skiing as a major theme.  If you are a skiing fan, you will be drooling over the details...they were phenomenal, but the skiing detail was a bit too much for me, though.  It actually was overwhelming in the sense that it wasn’t of interest.

I am going to rate this book a 4/5.  It is another good read by Mr. Borg. 

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the author in return for an honest review.


  1. Oh I have been to your blog before! I remember because I love your header with all the beautiful colored houses!

  2. I haven't read anything by or heard of this author but it sounds good!

  3. It was very good, Melissa.

    THANKS for stopping by.

  4. Elizabeth - his books are very good.

    THANKS for stopping.

  5. GREAT to have you back, Wall-to-wall books.

    THANKS for stopping by.

  6. I can relate to there being too much detail of skiing. I just read a book where football was a big pastime of the characters, but not the focus and there was an awful lot of football description. Got a little annoying.

  7. Thanks for dropping by my blog! This sounds like a cool book, though I don't usually read mysteries. :)

  8. THANKS for stopping by, Bonnie.

    It was quite good.

  9. Thanks for stopping by TCW. It's always nice to hear from you (BTW, I got my first BEA registration email this week, did you?) This sounds like a fun mystery book - my guilty pleasure. And I used to love skiing.

  10. That sounds really fun, I do enjoy skiing though I haven't read many books set on the slopes! :)

  11. You will love this book, Rachel, if you enjoy skiing.

    THANKS for stopping.

  12. THANKS for stopping, Alex.

    Yes on the BEA. :)
