
Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Midnight Rose by Lucinda Riley

Anahita and Princess Indira became inseparable after Indira wanted Anahita to live with her family at the palace.  THE MIDNIGHT ROSE tells their marvelous, admirable story.

How lucky could a girl get?  Moving from a small village to a palace to be friends with a Princess. Was it lucky forever?

THE MIDNIGHT ROSE moves from present day back to a diary that Anahita kept of her life in India as well as her life in England. 

You will feel badly for Anahita and feel her shame and pain.  Indira is a character that you want to dislike at times because of her selfishness but can't.  Donald will make you mad as well as feel sorry for.

THE MIDNIGHT ROSE is different from Ms. Riley's other books, but equally as good.  It took a few pages to get into the gist of it, but once England meets up with India and the story of Anahita’s life is revealed, THE MIDNIGHT ROSE will have you quickly turning the pages to see what happens next.  The secrets rolled off the pages and made THE MIDNIGHT ROSE a book you won't want to put down.

THE MIDNIGHT ROSE allows these secrets to be revealed through Anahita's diary.  Diaries and digging into family history is one of my favorite things to read about.  The reader will be transported back and forth from present day to life in an English household in the 1920's and then back to India.  

THE MIDNIGHT ROSE also allows you see the inner workings of the lifestyle of a wealthy English household along with a beautiful love story.  The descriptions of India's beautiful landscape and the lifestyle of its residents was amazing and takes you to India’s abject poverty as well as the oozing wealth.

Don't miss this new book of Ms. Riley's. Even though it takes a few pages to get involved, the storyline is amazing and the ending pages of Anahita's diary are superb.  4/5

This book was given to me free of charge by the publisher in return for an honest review.


  1. Another great book by Ms. Riley.

    I hope you get to read it.

    THANKS Simon & Schuster for the book.

  2. I haven't yet read this author, but this one does sound tempting. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Her books are quite good. The Lavender Garden is my favorite.

    THANKS for stopping, Laurel.

  4. With interest I see you've read this one. I am 70% through it and agree with you, waiting with bated breath to see how it turns out. Did love Anni.

  5. This one's on my TBR list for sure, especially after reading your review.

  6. Thank you for your sweet comment, Laura.

    And, thanks for always stopping.

  7. I enjoyed your review and now I want to read The Midnight Rose, so I've just downloaded it from NetGalley!
    It's just my sort of book. I love diaries and family history too.

  8. I hope you love it as much as I did, Carole.

    You need to read The Lavender Garden if you like this book. The Lavender Garden is my favorite of Lucinda Riley's books.

  9. This sounds really good, glad to hear you enjoyed it. I haven't read any books by Lucinda Riley before but I'll have to keep an eye out for them now. Lovely review, and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  10. I think the title is similar, I have heard about it before.
    I am glad you liked it, I may have to check this one out :)
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  11. Ula...thank you for stopping back.

    I hope you get to read THE MIDNIGHT ROSE.

  12. Maya...thanks for stopping by.

    Ms. Riley writes WONDERFUL books. I hope you get to read at least one of them.

  13. Glad you found a book you enjoyed!

  14. Hello Elizabeth,

    this is so funny, we both selected a book with the word "Midnight" in the title that takes place (at least partly in your case, I guess) in India but is written by a European, must be something about it. Other than you, I have not read anything by this author. Will have to investigate.

    Thank you for your interest in my blog, I always love reading yours, too.

    Marianne from Let's Read

    My book selection of the month:
    The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

  15. THANKS, Melissa.

    Glad you could stop by.

  16. That is funny, Marianne.

    Your blog is always nice to visit.

    THANKS for stopping by.

  17. Thanks for stopping by, Elizabeth. The Midnight Rose sounds good. I beginning to read more adult books again. By the way, I decided to go to BEA again. Will I see you there?

  18. Yes...let's plan on meeting up.

    That would be great to meet again. Are you going to the Book Bloggers' Conference? That would be the best place to meet.

    Keep in touch via e-mail. :)

  19. I love any book with family histories in it. Have you read The Australian series by William Stuart Long? There are 12 books and you read about the families through several generations.

    Hello to a fellow Pennsylvanian! I lived south of Philly in Delaware county growing up 😊

  20. Hello Tina...nice to see another fellow Pennsylvanian. :)

    No...I haven't read that series, but it does sound good.

    Thanks for stopping by, Tina.
