
Monday, January 5, 2015

Giveaway of The Rosie Project AND The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

 The Giveaway Has Ended
The Winners Are:

The Rosie Project - Lisa #17

The Rosie Effect - Melinda #15



THE ROSIE EFFECT arrived in stores on December 30, 2014, and you can win a copy of The Rosie Effect AND The Rosie Project.

The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion is the highly anticipated sequel to The Rosie Project, otherwise known as the quirky little Australian romantic comedy about a socially inept genetics professor, Don Tillman, and his free spirited girlfriend, Rosie Jarman, that has captured the hearts of nearly 2 million readers around the world.

Visit for videos, excerpts, and reading group guides from both The Rosie Project and The Rosie Effect.

Graeme Simsion imbued The Rosie Project with such heart that saying goodbye to Don and Rosie on the last page felt bittersweet. In The Rosie Effect, we get to reconnect with the couple as they relocate to New York City and prepare to welcome an unplanned addition to their family.  If the fundamental illogic of falling in love befuddled Don, wait until you see what impending fatherhood does to him.  Once again, people around you will wonder what has set you off into fits of laughter as you turn the pages.

 Join in the fun, and enter both giveaways sponsored by Simon & Schuster.  Entry links are below.

There will be TWO lucky winners, but only one book of each will be given away.

Sign up for the giveaway of The Rosie Effect here and sign up  for the giveaway of The Rosie Project here.

USA Entries only 

January 5 through January 12.

Best of luck to all those who enter the contest.


  1. Elizabeth, thank you for hosting these great Rosie giveaways! :) :)

    1. You are welcome, Suko.

      Thanks for stopping by, and good luck.

  2. Quirky is good! BTW, have you ever heard of Monaca, PA? I was born there! :O)

    1. I sure do know where Monaca, PA, is.

      You still there? I am not far away if you still live there.

      Thanks for stopping, LuAnn.

  3. Replies
    1. So glad you stopped by. I hope you entered.

      I will check out the entry page.

      Have a great day!!

  4. Too bad I'm in Australia but am definitely interested in reading this series! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. I hope you get to read both books, Shanny.

      Thanks for stopping.
