
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Memory of Violets by Hazel Gaynor

Tilly, Flora, and Rosie...three characters connected by time, London, and flowers.

Flora, crippled and in care of her little sister since their mother died, lost her younger, blind sister Rosie on the street as they were selling flowers.  Flora made it her life's quest to find Rosie.  Tilly, a housemother at an orphanage where Flora stayed years before, makes a connection to both Flora and Rosie through a diary Tilly finds in the closet in her room​ at the orphanage.
Tilly feels she was destined to find the diary a​nd to ​find Rosie.  Tilly felt Flora's presence in her room through the smell of violets and cold breezes.  Could Flora really be in the room Tilly now occupied?  Could she and Flora together find Rosie,​ and could Tilly find what she was looking for in life and ease the sadness about her own life?​

Going back and forth in time and telling Flora and Rosie's story was intriguing and beautifully told.  A MEMORY OF VIOLETS is a book set in the time period and place that I thoroughly enjoy....the 1800's in London.  It also has a character based on a real person.

You will ​mingle with proper Victorian ladies as well as poverty-stricken children and families.  Descriptions of both ends of the economic scale make this book absolutely wonderful.  

The beautiful writing and descriptions keep you glued to the pages and ​give you ​the feeling that you are sharing every situation with the characters.  Tilly's story is as good as Flora's and Rosie's story and reveals a secret she finds out about herself.

The characters are warm and inviting.  A MEMORY OF VIOLETS is going to be a favorite for ​2015, and the characters will remain in my "memory" long after I turn the last page.  

A MEMORY OF VIOLETS has a marvelous writing style and storyline.  The book's beginning and ending make a full circle of life filled with love, understanding, and compassion.  

I loved A MEMORY OF VIOLETS.  The ending is chilling and oh so tender and beautiful.  You need to make room in your toppling TBR stacks for A MEMORY OF VIOLETS.  5/5​
This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.



  1. I hope you get to read this book.

    Stayed up late last night to finish it.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I have seen this book several times, but have not purchased it. I'm even more tempted to read it now that I've read your review. Thanks.

    1. Oh my...I LOVED it as you can see.

      Let me know if you read it.

      Thanks for stopping, Annette.

  3. I enjoyed her first book so I'd like to give this one a try. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it so much.

    1. It is historical fiction and women's fiction all rolled into one.

      Thank for stopping, Kathy. I think you will like it.

  4. Very lovely review! This sounds like my kind of book.

  5. I hope you get to read it, Suko.

    I couldn't stop reading it. :) Was up late last night to finish it.

    Thanks for stopping.

  6. That's an intriguing review. Sounds like a winner.

    1. Thanks, Dorothy. Glad you liked my review.

      It is a winner. I hope you get to read it.

      Thanks for stopping.

  7. Fantastic review! I'm so glad you loved it! I read it and is so well written and definitely draws you in.

    1. Thanks, Books In The Burb...glad you liked my review and the wonderful book.

      I enjoy comparing notes with folks who have read books I have read.

      Thanks for stopping.

  8. This definitely sounds like a book for me. Thanks, Elizabeth.


    1. I am glad you are thinking about reading it.

      ENJOY when you do.

      Thanks for stopping, Yvonne.

  9. Hi Elizabeth,

    I commented in your latest 'Book Beginnings' feature, that I was trying to hold off adding any more books to my Goodreads 'Want To Read' list, but I am going to succumb after reading your touching review.

    How can I not be drawn in by the time and place of this story, together with the ethereal and inviting characters the author has drawn.

    Thanks for sharing and for the recommendation, I look forward to reading 'A Memory Of Violets'


    1. will love it, and I love your comment.

      ENJOY when you read it.

      Thanks for stopping, Yvonne.

  10. I was unsure about this one until I read this review. Now I definitely want to read it.

    1. You will love it, Betty.

      Glad I could help you decide with my review.

      Thanks for stopping.

  11. Sounds interesting! I love historical fiction. :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. It was sooooo good, Bonnie.

      I would love to know what you think if you read it.

      Thanks for stopping.

  12. Interesting. Sounds like a good read! My TBR stacks are indeed topping, lol, but I will pin this to remind myself to read it at some point.

    1. I hope you get to read it, Elizabeth.

      I think you will like it.

      Thanks for stopping, Elizabeth.

  13. Great review. I'm definitely intrigued!

    1. Thank you, Melissa.

      It was a great read.

      I hope you get to read it.

      Thanks for stopping, Melissa.

  14. You make me want to start reading this one ASAP! I have it but have to squeeze it in between review books. I love historical fiction but have never read a book about flower sellers. I'm excited to learn more!

    1. Awwww...thanks, Colleen. So nice when folks like my reviews, and they spark interest.

      Let me know what you think when you read it.

      Thanks for stopping, Colleen.

  15. Lovely review, Elizabeth. I'll make sure to read this one.

    1. Thank you, Carmen.

      I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

      Thanks for stopping.

  16. Sounds beautiful. I am pleased you enjoyed it so much.

    1. It was a wonderful book.

      Thanks for stopping, thebookwormchronicles.

  17. Thank you for the review! It definitely sounds like a book I would LOVE! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
