
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Flame Tree Road by Shona Patel

India, the caste system, no rights for women except through marriage. 

FLAME TREE ROAD addresses these issues that were prevalent in India during the 1800's.

Biren Roy is the main character.   His father died at a young age, and his mother, like all Indian widows, became an outcast once their husbands were gone.  Biren's mother's plight and the plight of all Indian widows gave Biren his drive to fight for equality for women in all respects - not only marriage.

Biren warmed my heart because of his goodness and his passion to help the women of India.  Biren luckily was sent to an English school in India, gained entrance to a college in London where he earned his law degree, and then returned to India to achieve his goal.

We follow Biren, his family, and his career throughout the book.  Biren married, and the beauty and passion of his respect for his marriage and his wife oozed through the pages. 

FLAME TREE ROAD is a book that will hold your interest because of the mesmerizing aspect of India and Biren's passion for helping the women of India. 

Ms. Patel's writing is beautiful with wonderful detail.  Her writing flows and takes you with it.

ENJOY the depth of this book if you read it.  FLAME TREE ROAD is filled with passion, love, and pain, and is a marvelous read even though it isn't always uplifting. 

Ms. Patel described the lives, inequality, and caste system in India.  I found the customs and culture of India extremely interesting especially the marriage proposal procedure. 4/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.


  1. Flame Tree Road was a very informative book.

    ENJOY if you read it.

  2. I think I would find the cultural aspects of this book fascinating. Thanks for the review.

    1. The cultural aspect was excellent.

      Thanks for stopping, Kathy.

  3. I enjoyed this one, Elizabeth. Glad you did too. Nice review!

    1. Thanks, cynthiarobertson.

      I enjoyed learning about the culture.

      Thanks for stopping.

  4. This is something I know virtually nothing about. I'm definitely intrigued by this one as it sounds like it was really well done. Great review!

    1. It was VERY interesting. Love learning about different cultures and their customs.

      Thanks for stopping, Katherine.

  5. Hi - I'd heard of this book before but didn't really know what it was about. Very interesting. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

    1. It was very interesting. Loved learning about the culture and customs.

      Thanks for stopping, Diane.

  6. Great review--I've heard of this book and am always fascinated by other cultures.

    1. Thanks, Julia.

      I love learning about other cultures too.

      Thanks for stopping.

  7. It's definitely going on my TBR list!

    1. :)

      I hope you like it.

      Thanks for stopping, Mary.

  8. This one has piqued my interest when I've seen it come up in various places, I'm so happy to read your review, it seems like a book I would really like.

    1. Glad you stopped by, OnDBookshelf.

      I hope you get to read Flame Tree Road.

      Thanks for stopping.
