
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Blogger New Year's Challenge - 1/2/16

Join Rachel of for The Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge that will begin on January 1 and run for 14 days.

Day 2: Great Things In Blogging 2015

Blogging 2015 had me finding new blogs and new blogging friends. 

Blogging 2015 had me revising how I write my reviews.  After five and one-half years, I have been getting more compliments on the content and style of my reviews.

Blogging 2015 had me becoming even more particular about what books I will read and what books I won't accept for reviews.

Blogging 2015 had me appreciating the enjoyment I receive from having my blog even more.

Thanks for reading my post, and have a wonderful day.


  1. Wonderful blogging that you have accomplished. I'm still new at the blogging its taking me awhile to figure it all out. I'm hoping that I will be able to write better reviews of the books that I read this year. You can see mine here:

    1. Thank you, Theresa.

      It will all get better as you keep up your blogging.

      Thanks for stopping.

  2. I can relate to much of what you said. I found several new blogging friends this past year. Also, I try to change up my reviews now and again, but most often come back to the same format.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

    1. I really enjoy finding new blogging friends. Such fun.

      I found you this year. :)

      Thanks for stopping, Diane.

  3. It's always a thrill for me to meet a new blogger. So much to learn from them. They offer a whole new perspective on the world and on books that I had frequently not considered.

    1. Oh...that is so true. You can learn so much from them.

      I love meeting new bloggers for that very reason.

      Thanks for stopping, Dorothy.

  4. Sounds like you had a pretty good year! May your luck continue

    1. Thanks, Shannon.

      I did enjoy my blogging year.

      Thanks for stopping.

  5. I love this post and thank you for stopping by my blog's first book of the year post. I always get so excited about the first book of the year and your challenge sounds very interesting!

    1. Would you like to join in? You can.

      The first book of the year is exciting.

      Thanks for coming by my blog, Ti.

  6. Your first part about finding new friends last year is my main focus this year. Having a few closer connections really brings this community to life.

    1. Finding new friends and closer connections are wonderful for our community. Love book bloggers.

      Thanks for stopping, Jay Riv.
