
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Tahoe Dark by Todd Borg

Familiar characters we love, more murders than you care to hear of, but as always Owen McKenna has everything covered.

Todd Borg's latest, marvelous thriller, TAHOE DARK, includes a kidnapping, a murder of the father of the kidnapped son, a robbery of an armored truck, and old grudges coming to the surface.

TAHOE DARK is packed with action and twists.  The surprises just keep on coming, and Owen keeps on resolving them.

TAHOE DARK continues the tradition of Todd Borg's excellence with his wonderful descriptions and plot lines.  You think the characters have had enough, and then along comes a situation that is somehow connected to the previous one.  The action doesn't stop, and it all smoothly flows and connects.

​The ending comes crashing in with the final scene being another Todd Borg masterpiece.

Give yourself a treat and read a TAHOE book.  ENJOY when you do.  5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the author in return for an honest review.


  1. I don't know how he does it, but I am glad he does.

    Another masterpiece. :)

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. Sounds very busy in this story. New author for me. Will be looking out for this one.

    1. If you enjoy mysteries, Mystica, you will enjoy his books.

      Thanks for stopping, Mystica.

  3. Sounds like a good one for my husband - I'm always running out of book ideas for him.

    1. Good to hear this may help you finding books for hubby.

      If he likes this author, there are a lot of books, and and they are all good.

      Thanks for stopping, Carol.

  4. wow, a lot seems to be happening here! Great idea by the way of featuring older posts!

  5. This is a new to me author, however he seems to write his action at the same break neck speed as the book I have just finished and am about to review.

    I am wondering however, as this is book #14 in the series, do you consider they work okay as stand alones, or do I need to try and play catch-up from the first story, which is going to be a whole different ball game!

    A nice review, which piqued my interest in the series, thanks :)

