
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Today is National Compliment Day

Photo taken from TYPORAMA


All Information in this post is taken directly from this page.


I thought it would be fun to share this since everyone enjoys compliments.


Date When Celebrated:  

Always January 24


How nice of you to visit our site today. I can see by your choice of websites, that you are an intelligent person. You are a kind and inquisitive person. I love the way you...... 

Yes, its Compliment Day. Today is a great opportunity to say something positive about the people you come into contact with. Everyone has good attributes. ...that's right....... everyone.
  • Its a cinch to find compliments for family and loved ones, even for your Mother-in-Law. (Tip: She's probably a good cook.)
  • Friends are friends because you see something good about them. Here's an easy compliment to a friend: "Wow, you're very choose your friends wisely".
  • It's more challenging to compliment your boss, or people you don't like. Take up the challenge, and find a compliment for them today, too.
Remember: Mama said  "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything". After a long search for something good, if you just can't find a compliment for them, then silence is golden.
Compliment Day is celebrated by offering sincere compliments to people you know. It is important that you are sincere. People will see right through insincerity, and you will do more harm than good.
How many compliments should you give out today? The common suggestion is five compliments. Yes, they should be to five different people.  

Origin of Compliment Day: This day was created in 1998 by Kathy Chamberlin, of Hopkinton, NH. and Debby Hoffman, of Concord, NH.

Ecards We've got you covered with free Ecards for just about any other holiday, occasion, event, or no event at all!

A Compliment Day Game:

  1. Gather in a circle.
  2. Look at the person to your left.
  3. Find a compliment for that person.
  4. Write the compliment on a piece of paper and who it is for.
  5. Gather the notes and post on a board.
  6. All players match each of the compliments to a player. 
  7. The person with the most correct matches wins.

Flower of the Day: Vinca
Recipe of the Day: Candied Carrots


  1. So nice to see you stopped by.

    Thank you, and have a wonderful compliment day.

    Let everyone know who you gave a compliment to today. :)

    1. I gave compliments to my husband, my son, my sisters, my brothers, my nieces, my nephews, a few friends, and a waitress.

      I am also complimenting all my blog readers for their loyalty and for their wonderful blogs.


  2. Thank you for your post today!! With such busy lives we live, it's nice to stop and take time to give someone a compliment!!

    1. It is nice to take a few seconds to compliment someone.

      Thanks for stopping, Captivated Reader.

  3. I will compliment you on your excellent book reviews.

  4. You have a great blog with wonderful reviews!

  5. I love these 'days', especially the sillier ones.

    Not a day I've heard of but I'll be sure to make a note of it. Thank you for sharing. I do enjoy my visits to Silver's Reviews.

    1. Thank you, Tracy.

      I am happy to have you here, and it is always nice to hear readers enjoy visiting.

      Thanks for stopping, Tracy.

  6. Wonderful post, Elizabeth! I love the positive energy of your book blog.

    1. Thanks, Suko.

      Positive energy is always wonderful, and I try to be positive.

      I am glad I can spread some positiveness. HUGS.

      Thanks for stopping.

  7. How smart of you to remind us how important it is to do one small act of kindness, like complimenting someone. Thank you for this reminder and for dropping by my blog. I really enjoyed that Mary Russell book.

    1. It doesn't take much to say something kind or to do something kind.

      You never know how someone's day really is going.

      Thanks for stopping, Stefanie.
