
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

At Wave's End by Patricia Perry Donovan

You won a bed and breakfast in yet another contest, Mom?  Please say I am not hearing you correctly?

Poor Faith.  Her mother, Connie, has always entered contests ever since she was a child and has never won, but then she wins this one which seems unbelievable because of the prize.  Connie has won this prize after writing an essay about why she should win the bed and breakfast, and Connie is determined to come all the way from New Mexico to claim and see her prize.

Faith lives in New York City and accompanies her mother to the bed and breakfast at Wave's End at the Jersey Shore.  As predicted, the place is in bad shape and nothing like the pictures in the contest.

As Faith argues with her mother about the "prize," a hurricane is making its way up the coast.  Faith goes back to New York and then returns as the hurricane is gaining in intensity to make sure her mother is safe.  

Faith finds more than she wants to find when she returns with her mother's impulsiveness being a very big problem this time.

AT WAVE'S END is an enjoyable read with characters that were very believable and lovable. A mother/daughter team is always a treat because it can go two ways:  the best it can be or the worst it can be.  :)

You will be comparing your relationship with your mother and might see some similarities as well as differences.

Secrets kept for a long time and finally revealed are part of AT WAVE'S END, but do they bring mother and daughter closer or farther apart?

Food was another major component with three of the characters being chefs, and who doesn't like to talk about food and gorgeous kitchens?

If you need a fun, light, heartwarming read that shows the resiliency of and the generosity of mankind, then you will not want to miss AT WAVE'S END.

It has something for everyone and the reason I enjoy women's, love, tenderness, surprises, a few tears, and warmth.

ENJOY!!  I certainly did.  5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the author in return for an honest review.


  1. I really enjoyed this book.

    I hope you get to read it.

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I wish I'd had this at the beach last weekend.

    1. It is a perfect beach read, but any time works too.

      ENJOY when you read it, Kathy, and thanks for commenting.

  3. I want to read it! Loved your thoughts on it, Elizabeth.

    1. Thank you, Mary.

      I know you would love this book.

      Thanks for commenting.

  4. I always look for similarities with my own relationship!!! I'd certainly like this one.

    1. I think you would enjoy it, Mystica.

      Thanks for commenting.

  5. This sounds like a fun read. I'll have to see if my library has it.

    1. It was lovely.

      I hope you get to read it, Susanne.

      Thanks for commenting.

  6. Just the thing I need - now on order! Thanks

    1. It was a really good read.

      ENJOY, and thanks for commenting, Carole.
