
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Lies by T. M. Logan

Can lies be deadly?  Can lies ruin your life? Can lies be undone?

I think we know the answer to those questions, and Joe definitely knew the answer to two of these questions.  His life was turned upside down because of lies his wife was telling him and lies that someone else was spreading about him.

Finding out your wife has been cheating on you for the past five months and then having to deal with what someone was doing to your life via social media is what Joe was dealing with.

How could this be happening and how could one person be orchestrating it alone. Someone had to be helping each other to bring Joe down.

LIES doesn't immediately pull you in, but once it does you won't be able to put the book down. The tension mounts with the turn of each page.

And…the ending...WOW!!

This is a must-read end-of-summer treat.

LIES will also have you considering canceling all of your social media accounts.  4/5

This book was given to me as an ARC
by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. .  All opinions are my own.


  1. Have you read this book?

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I can forgive a slow build up. This sounds really good.

    1. It was very good.

      Thanks for commenting, Kathy.

  3. Sounds good even with the slow start.

  4. I loved this book! I'm glad you did, too. Great review!

    1. Oh was a treat.

      Thanks for commenting, Laurel.

  5. This is definitely one for my 'Want To Read' list, especially with all the brilliant ratings and reviews it has attracted, including your own of course :)

    I'm quite happy with a slow start, so long as the tension begins to build slowly but surely and it sounds as though this one has quite an explosive ending.

    Author T.M. Logan, gave a great interview with John Valeri of 'Criminal Element',, which I found really interesting ...

    Thanks for sharing and I hope that you find your next planned read equally absorbing :)


    1. Thank you, Yvonne.

      I think you will LOVE this book.

      Thanks for the interview link and for commenting.
