
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Last Romantics by Tara Conklin


The family had to move to a smaller house and a not-so-nice neighborhood and to fend for themselves because they only saw their mother when she decided to venture out from her bedroom.

Renee was the oldest, Caroline was next in line, Joe was the only boy, and Fiona was the baby when it all happened.  They called this time their mother was absent The Pause. 
The Pause went on for a few years. 

The children did well for a while, but then things started to get tough.  Renee couldn’t take the responsibility, and the other children couldn’t do without her.  They started going their separate ways and weren’t as close knit as they had been until one day another adult stepped in, got them some help, and got their mother Antonia out of bed.

Things looked up after that, and the family unit worked better together as everyone grew up.

We learn of what happened to each family member whether good or bad.   They all loved each other and were there for each other.

I was disappointed in this book even though it has Ms. Conklin's beautiful, detailed writing. 

THE LAST ROMANTICS was not an appealing read or of interest, and I struggled to read it in its entirety especially since I LOVED her first book.  

I know I am in the minority for opinions.  2/5

This book was given to me as an ARC by the publisher via NETGALLEY and in print in exchange for an honest review.


  1. If you have read this book, what were your thoughts?

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Diane.

      I will be looking forward to hearing what you think.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. A book people seem to really like or not. I can't say it particularly appeals to me but then again ...

    1. As you can see, it was not appealing to me.

      Thanks for commenting, Tracy Terry.

  4. Not every novel works for every reader. I have read widely divergent reviews. Thanks for yours.

    1. Exactly, and since I do honest reviews, I had to be honest. :) :)

      Thanks for commenting, Judy.

  5. I really liked The House Girl. But I wasn't clamoring for another one. I will definitely leave The Last Romantics alone.

    1. I just couldn’t connect at all even with all of the rave reviews.

      Thanks for commenting, The Book Sage.

  6. Oh no. Well, I have a copy and will read it soon. I hope I like it better.

    1. You may like it better. Please let me know.

      Thanks for commenting, Ti.

  7. Good to know some books don't work for you Elizabeth and that's how it goes sometimes. However I won't look for this book because even though the premise is interesting I am going to trust your lack of feels for it.

    1. I rarely come across a book that doesn't connect with me.

      Thanks for commenting, Kathryn.

  8. Replies
    1. was even though I am in the minority.

      Thanks for commenting, Kathy.
