
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Books Read So Far This Year

I keep track in Goodreads.

How do you keep track of what you have read?


  1. I am working on #36. :)

    Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping.

  2. I track on GoodReads as well! It is so handy to have my kindle paired with my account for the automatic updates. I didn't like librarything nearly as much while using it.

    Congrats on hitting 70%!

    1. I like how it keeps the date I finished the book.

      I'll have to sync my Kindle to it.

      I do have a LibraryThing account too, but use Goodreads more.

      Thanks for commenting, Alana.

      Nice to see that you stopped by.

  3. I, too, keep track on Goodreads. However, I read a lot of series. I have a list set up on Amazon that has all the "next book" in a series. When I'm ready to get back to that author, I get the title and pick it up locally if I can.

    1. I didn't know Amazon had that feature. Thanks for letting those of us who were not aware of it know.

      Thanks for commenting, Casey.

      Nice to see you visiting.


  4. I keep track on Goodreads. Plus I have a list on my acct at my library so that I can see what I have already read so as not to accidentally check out the same book twice. Finally I track the old fashioned way I have a document on my computer for each month with the books I finish and a review I write for my eyes only.

    1. Those are all terrific ways to track your books.

      Thank you for sharing and commenting, Susan.
