
Sunday, June 9, 2019

The First Mistake by Sandie Jones

Double lives? cheating husbands? money flowing perhaps in the wrong direction? twists, and surprises will greet the reader in THE FIRST MISTAKE.

We meet Nathan and Alice - in love and happy until odd things start to happen and Alice questions how happy they really are.

Alice had been married before to Tom, and Tom had died while on a skiing trip.  Alice still loved Tom even though she was married to Nathan.

THE FIRST MISTAKE takes us on a roller coaster ride as Alice suffers with her mental problems, her doubts about her marriage, and her constant thoughts about Tom.

We follow Alice's days and how she confides in her friend Beth about everything.

Revelation after revelation continues throughout the book as we find out the characters are connected in ways none of them had any idea.  A few of them actually are not who they say they are.

If you enjoy not knowing what is coming next, THE FIRST MISTAKE is the summer read for you.

A bit slow at first, but the suspense and surprising events are non-stop as you continue reading. 

Master sleuths will love this book, but you may be stumped. 4/5

This book was given to me as an ARC by the publisher and BookishFirst in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Is this book in your summer reading stack?

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I can forgive a slow start if the payoff is good and it sounds like it is in this case.

    1. It was an excellent ending - worth the wait!!

      Thanks for commenting, Kathy.

  3. I loved this one, too. Great review.

    1. Thanks, Laurel.

      I remember that you enjoyed it too. :)

      Thanks for commenting.

  4. Replies
    1. :) :)

      Thanks, Judy, and thanks for commenting.
