
Monday, October 5, 2020

Spotlight of Rainbow Bridge by Dan V. Jackson



Information in this post is courtesy of Rachel Palmer of Mindbuck Media.
Inspirational author Dan Jackson’s book, Rainbow Bridge is out on October 6th. 

In an epic tale spanning thirty years of Nathan Wilkinson’s life, Jackson tells the story of the remarkable bond between dog and human, and the deep pain felt when we lose a special dog.

“This epic, beautifully told, tale is for everyone who’s ever looked into their dog’s eyes and seen something timeless and mysterious, who has asked their pup from the bottom of their soul, “Just who are you, and how did I get you?!”  And beautifully, Jackson’s answers keep the mystery intact, just as our dogs always have.” -Douglas Green, author of The Teachings of Shirelle: Life Lessons from a Divine Knucklehead


“Coming through loud and clear throughout the pages of Rainbow Bridge is how well the author knows dogs. How thoroughly he understands the unique and special bond that is forged between dogs and their humans. How the excruciating pain of losing a dog is like no other. Ditto how important it is to NOT abandon your dog to the vet when it’s time for them to leave you, and that you really do owe it to your faithful companion to be there and comfort them in their final moments.” - Kristine Lowder, reviewer for Pages and Paws



Our dogs are our friends and companions, our guardians and defenders. Their love and loyalty enrich our souls, and few things bring our lives greater joy than their companionship and devotion. Until that inevitable day arrives when we have to say goodbye.

What if there comes a time and a place where we can be reunited with the dogs we have loved and lost? 

At each juncture of Nathan Wilkinson’s life, he experiences friendship, guidance and personal growth from his canine companions. First is Shiloh, the wise German shepherd of his youth; followed by Lindsay, the miniature schnauzer whose misfortune changes his adult life. When called to battle, he befriends Georgie, the stout war dog, whose courage under fire inspires him. Finally there are the Labradors, whose seemingly mindless antics mask an iron-willed devotion to protecting his growing young family. Each of these remarkable dogs shares with Nathan countless adventures, love and companionship, and ultimately, the heartache of loss. 

And then one day, an unexpected tragedy provides him the chance for a brief but joyous reunion with those very same dogs at the place where all departed pets await their human companions…the Rainbow Bridge.


Dan V. Jackson is a writer, a family man, and dog owner. He enjoys running, golf, and football, and is a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan.

He earned his BA in 1982 and an MBA in 1984, both from the University of Chicago, and has over thirty-five years’ experience as a financial consultant.

Mr. Jackson lives outside of Dallas, Texas, in the fast-growing community of Frisco, with his wife, Cheryl.

Fortunately, his three dogs, Abby, Bella, and Sammie, are there to provide companionship and entertainment.

Rainbow Bridge is his second novel.

His first novel, The Forgotten Men, was published by Mediaguruz in 2012.