
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Transatlantic Book Club by Felicity Hays-McCoy

To cheer up her grandmother who just lost her beloved husband, Cassie, a free spirit, decided to start a transatlantic book club.

The book club was going to have readers from Ireland’s Finfarran Peninsula and the town of Resolve in the United States where many Irish folks lived.

This book club had its problems just like any book club....which book to choose that everyone can agree on and which will please everyone as well as the problem that some members do not read the chosen book for whatever reason.

Did the book club stir up things that shouldn’t have been stirred up instead?

There are a lot of quirky but fun characters.  Some lovable some not so much.

A book about a book club always catches my attention. We also get lovely descriptions of the countryside and landmarks.

I do have to say it’s a bit wordy, but still interesting. 

I may have missed some background on the characters since I hadn’t read the previous novels, but it was still easy to follow.

There also are some love stories mixed in and lovely information about a traveling library.

Readers who enjoy family connections over generations, nostalgic scenes, and joining in on a book club should enjoy THE TRANSATLANTIC BOOK CLUB. 4/5

This book was given to be by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Replies
    1. They are fun.

      This one was sweet.

      Thanks for your comment, Bookworm.

  2. Replies
    1. It was a change of pace for me.

      Thanks for your comment, Linda.

  3. Sounds like another book I would love to read. Travelling clubs...right up my alley.

    1. I think you would love it, Laura.

      THANKS for commenting.
