
Friday, July 29, 2022

Sugar and Salt by Susan Wiggs

Do you ever forget your first love? Is it fate that you meet again after many years?

On the other side of the coin, will telling someone you recently met and had grown close to leave you because of what you tell them about your past? 

We meet Ida and Frank who were childhood sweethearts, and we meet Jerome and Margot who found each other but one of them has a past she has kept secret.

Will Frank and Ida be able to stay together? Will Margot and Jerome stay together once she tells him about her past?

Margot did have a past, but it wasn't her fault, and she hadn't been at fault.  A powerful family made sure she was accused of the crime she didn't commit. 

SUGAR AND SALT has the sweetest title, the sweetest characters, and the sweetest storyline along with delicious food that will make your mouth water. 

But…there also are sensitive situations, unsavory characters, a glimpse into the legal system, and sad stories of a hard life, but all in all another marvelous read by Ms. Wiggs. 

And the book’s sweetness doesn’t end even though I shed some happy tears. 

The sweetness continues as the reader is treated to recipes that are shared in the final pages.  5/5   

This book was given to me by the publisher and LibraryThing for an honest review.



  1. Another good one by Susan Wiggs.

    Don’t miss it!!

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I am looking forward to this one but waiting until early September when paperback publishes for me - hardback is $50 + so can wait a little longer!!

    1. Oh my...I would definitely wait too. That is quite expensive.

      I think you will enjoy it. Does the library have it?

      Thanks for commenting, Kathryn.
