
Monday, February 12, 2024

Mailbox Monday - 2/12/2024


Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.


Warning:  Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists.

Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at  MAILBOX MONDAY.
Here is a shout out to the administrators:

Serena @ Savvy Verse and Wit

Martha @ Reviews By Martha’s Bookshelf

THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive.
I hope you had a good mailbox.
On Thursday, February 8, I received:

1.  THE THIRTEENTH HUSBAND by Greer MacAllister, courtesy of Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley.

2.  DIVA by Daisy Goodwin, courtesy of Carol Fitzgerald of, St. Martin's Press, and MacMillan.

On Friday, February 9, I received:

1.  THE LOVE ELIXIR OF AUGUSTA STERN by Lynda Cohen Logiman, courtesy of Rivka Holler of St. Martin's and NetGalley.

On Saturday, February 10, I received:

1.  FAMILY, FAMILY by Laurie Frankel, courtesy of Carol Fitzgerald of, and Henry Holt and Company.
