
Friday, May 17, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins - 5/17/24



1. Back in the day, ________.

2. _______ is an unconventional pet I would like to have. 

3. Though ______ is my dream job, I'd also settle for working as ______.

4. I'd like to get ______'s autograph.

1.  Back in the day, we played outside from morning to night.

2.  Not sure about a pet, but perhaps an unconventional pet I would like to have would be a chipmunk that is always running around my yard.

3.  Though being a mail person was my dream job, I'd also settle for baker.

4.  I'd like to get William Kent Krueger's autograph.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I had to look up William Kent Krueger. :)
