
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Return to Wyldcliffe Heights by Carol Goodman

Who is Veronica St  Clair?

Is she more than what her fans see in her first book and a book that makes everyone want a sequel?

When Agnus is about to lose her job at the publishing company she works for, she does a forbidden thing.

She writes to Veronica St. Claire and asks if she would write a sequel to her very popular first book.

She didn’t expect her to reply.  She expected Veronica to write back and have her boss “fire” her.

She didn’t care because she was losing her job anyway.

Much to her surprise Veronica hired Agnus to stay at Wyldcliffe Heights and write the sequel.

She was required to record as Veronica dictated and then type up everything on a manual typewriter.  Nothing was to be out in cyberspace.

What a place Wyldcliffe Heights was.  It is as Gothic and eccentric as the author herself.

I enjoyed meeting Veronica and hearing her story even though it was a bit confusing at times.


I also learned a new word:  amanuensis.  So you don’t have to look it up, it means - a literary or artistic assistant who takes dictation or copies manuscripts. (Definition taken from Oxford Languages online dictionary -

ENJOY if like surprise endings and a bit of paranormal!!  4/5

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book.   All opinions are my own.


  1. Adding to your TBR?

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. Replies
    1. Enjoy if you read it!!

      Thanks for your comment, Mystica.

      Always enjoy seeing your comments.
