
Friday, August 30, 2024

Book Blogger Hop - 8/30 - 9/5


Question of the Week:

Are you a member of any book clubs, and if so, what has been your most memorable book to discuss with them? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)
My Answer:

I belong to three book clubs, but the one book we had a very memorable book discussion was for two of Fiona Davis's books.

The Lions of Fifth Avenue

The Spectacular


  1. My one book club has been going strong for nearly 26 years. The one book that wrecked up, We Need to Talk About Kevin. There was just so much to say about it. And that was really before the prevalence of school violence.

    1. Nice on the 26 years for your book club.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Ti.
