Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hello Sunshine by Laura Dave

"Hello Sunshine” normally meant someone was leaving a compliment on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

The day of Sunshine Stephens’ 35th birthday didn't bode well for the “hello sunshine” greeting.

Everything she had made up about herself was being made public by a hacker, and no one knew who the hacker was.

Sunshine's life was turned upside down personally and professionally.  Not telling the truth from the start backfired on her.

When Sunshine started her career as a TV chef, she should have been truthful and said she was from the Hamptons and not from a Georgia farm town. 

Telling the truth was something she hadn't done for years, and telling the truth now had no credence.  No one believed anything she said.

Where could the real Sunny Stephens go except back home? When she got home she had a big surprise too.

The characters in HELLO SUNSHINE were for the most part likable, but they also were on the side of deceitful.

HELLO SUNSHINE was an easy, breezy read for me. I loved the cooking theme, and I loved the glimpse into the life in the Hamptons even though it was on the wrong side of town.

If you enjoy people watching, family situations, and food, HELLO SUNSHINE fits the bill.

I enjoyed HELLO SUNSHINE  and the wisdom of life decisions which was a major theme.  5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.


  1. I hope everyone gets to read this book this summer or in any season. :)

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. Replies
    1. It will brighten your day.

      Thanks for stopping, Kathy.

  3. This one sounds pretty good. I like when food or cooking is incorporated into the story.

    1. It was more drama than food, but I like that pairing too.

      Food makes everything better. :)

      Thanks for stopping, Ti.

  4. I've read a couple of other books by this author so I'd give this a try. Sounds good!

    1. It was good...I think you will like it, Mary.

      Thanks for stopping.

  5. I have enjoyed other books by the author, and I've been eyeing this one. Thanks for the great review! I shall be adding this one to my toppling stack.

    1. My stack has already toppled. :)

      You will like it, Laurel.

      Thanks for stopping.

  6. I'm reading this now - haven't quite decided what to think yet. Cheers

    1. I hope you like the book, Carole.

      Be sure to let everyone know your thoughts please.

      Thanks for commenting.

  7. Oh this one sounds good. Found your link on Carole's linky (she featured it). Thanks for the review!
