
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Do you re-read books?

Do you re-read books?

I have never re-read a book.

Too many books out there to read for the first time.  😍😍😍


  1. I am sure we will have some good discussion about this. :)

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I do re-read some books if they've given me a lot of pleasure. Lately I'm re-reading a mystery, because I'm looking for the clues I missed the first time around. It was a good read, but I was truly surprised at the end.

    1. That would be fun.

      I always miss clues and never guess correctly. :)

      ENJOY, and thanks for commenting, Elizabeth.

  3. I do re-read favorites, because I know they will be good. I re-read Nights in Rodanthe this month after hitting a reading slump and it helped me get back on track.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Great to hear this about a re-read. Glad it helped get you back on track.

      Thanks for commenting, The Bookworm.

  4. I re-read my absolute favorites. Maybe ONE a year I will. I also, once in a while, will retry a book I didn't like years ago that I want to like. I do give 2nd chances

    1. Re-trying a book sounds like a good plan.

      Thanks for commenting, Carole Rae.

  5. Actually I collect books and now I collect them in my Amazon Kindle app, however I seldom read. It's really sad. I spend too much time on my computer!!

    1. LOL on your collecting. :) too on the computer, but somehow I do manage to get my books read.

      Thanks for commenting, Debby.

  6. I have re-read some of my books...not so much these days, with many new ones available.

    But I love Beth Gutcheon's books, like Still Missing and Domestic Pleasures...and a few others.

    She has a new book coming soon: The Affliction.

    1. I honestly have not re-read one book in my lifetime.

      Those books sound good.

      Thanks for sharing, Laurel.

  7. Elizabeth I do reread now and again, and the best part is I know I enjoyed it but have almost completely forgotten it!! But its like a great comfort read, except for when the 2nd reading makes me wonder what I saw in the 1st reading!

    1. LOL....that is funny, Kathryn.

      We do change our thoughts as the years go by. :)

      Thanks for commenting.

  8. I don't often re-read books. Occasionally if i really loved it, I may pick it up again if several years have passed. Also I will re-read a book if my bookclub chooses to read a book and it has been enough time that I've forgotten most of what happened.

    1. The book club read sometimes calls for a re-read, but I usually look at my review or other reviews for a refresher. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Kim.

  9. I never used to but this year I've reread a few as I wanted to read the next in the series and I couldn't remember what happened in the first book. And because I listed to audio books on 2x the speed, it's really not a big deal to take the time to reread a book. It's still not something I'll do very often but on occasion, I will. =)

    1. It would be beneficial to re-read when the next in a series comes up.

      Oh...audios on 2x is what I do too. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Theresa.

  10. Hah. I think I re-read one book 10 times in one year. It was a cozy set at a RenFaire.

  11. I've reread a few books in the past, but haven't reread as many books as I would like to do... As there many books I'd love to read (To Kill A Mockingbird, East of Eden, The Master & Margarita, The Art of Racing in the Rain, People of the Book, etc.), but like you I have so many books to read for the 1st time that I do not reread books all that often like I want too.

    1. I LOVED The Art of Racing in the Rain.

      People of the Book was good.

      I actually see no point in re-reading. :) You already know what's going to happen. :)

      I am sure I will get some flack on that statement. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Captivated Reader.

  12. Elizabeth, I do reread books, but not that often, because have so many books to read. However, it's wonderful to reread or revisit a favorite book. :)

    1. Thanks for letting us know your thoughts, Suko.

      Perhaps I will try a re-read some time.

      Thanks for commenting.

  13. I re-read books. Not often but I do re-read my faves. I find that they mean something different to me each time I read them. Different stages of life and all that. How can you have not EVER re-read a book? I had to read the same books over and over again for school.

    1. I do not recall re-reading any books for school. :)

      I see your point about re-reading, though. Our thoughts do change as we age and gain experience.

      Thanks for commenting, Ti.
