
Saturday, February 24, 2018


I joined NetGalley in 2015 but really didn't use it that much until late in 2016.

I have read 37 books as of today.  I prefer print, but sometimes it is nice to not have to carry around a book.

How long have you been on NetGalley, and how many books have you read?

It will be fun to see numbers because I KNOW I am a newbie.  😍


  1. Looking forward to comments.

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I joined in 2012, but didn't read or review anything until 2015, because my first Kindle didn't accept the books for some reason.

    Since 2015, I've reviewed 94 e-books, and currently have 9 unread books on Pippa, my Kindle.

    I try not to request too many, and also strive to arrange them keeping release dates in mind.

    1. That is amazing, Laurel.

      I love how you named your Kindle. I knew you did, but never commented on it. 😍

      I keep the release dates in mind too.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. I recently got my badge for having posted 500 reviews. My first one was done in 2014. My most recent was yesterday. I currently have 24 to read and review on my shelf. I have come to prefer reading on my Kindle rather than holding a print book.

    1. A 500-book badge is AWESOME, Kathy.

      I am working toward 50. LOL!!

      Thanks for sharing and for commenting.

  4. I joined a while back but I never really used it until this year and last year.

    1. It is nice to read on the Kindle when I travel.

      I’m glad you have joined. It took me a while to get into reading e-books.

      Thanks for commenting.

  5. I joined in 2013 and have read over 200 books from there. But... as you know I live in NZ so no print ARCs so NetGalley was a whole new wonderful world to me.

    1. The e-books are fantastic for you. It did open a new world for you. 😍

      200 books is awesome, Kathryn.

      Thanks for commenting.

  6. I joined Netgalley sometime in the last 3 years and have read one or two books I think... I tend to receive most of my freebies from Goodreads or directly from the authors or publishers themselves... Oh and I joined InKitt Exclusives last year and have read one book with more to come.

    1. Thanks for sharing. Freebies from authors and publishers are such fun.

      I need to check out InKitt Exclusives.

      Thanks for commenting, Captivated Reader.

  7. I joined awhile ago but have not been using it in the last couple years. Too much to keep up with.

    1. It can get overwhelming.

      Thanks for commenting, vvb32.

  8. These past couple months, I've started to really use Netgalley for my reading. Being at college means not having a lot of books in my room, so I am starting to love Netgalley! So far I've reviewed 41 and have 3 that I'm reading right now. I've been trying to hold myself back a bit, just because I want to get my feedback ratio up! I got auto-approved from Simon and Schuster Children's, and it's hard to resist just downloading everything! :D

    1. Nice on 41. That is impressive for a college student. I wouldn't think you would have the time. GREAT JOB!!

      It is hard to resist downloading books. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Gennifer.

  9. I was almost scared to look because I'm a NetGalley addict! I've been using it a lot less than in previous years as I'm getting more review books in print. I joined in 2013 and have been approved for 615 book with 468 reviewed.

    1. Wow...that is quite impressive, Katherine.


      Thanks for commenting.

  10. I'm not sure how many I've read but I've been a member for a long time. Until recently, I obtained most of my review copies from Edelweiss though. When Net Galley updated their site a few years ago, that is when I started requesting copies regularly. Before then, their site was hard to navigate and they didn't seem to have the offerings that Edelweiss had. Now, I use both.

    1. I use both too but use NetGalley more.

      Thanks for commenting, Ti.
