Friday, May 24, 2013

Looking for Me by Beth Hoffman

We all have dreams...some are fulfilled, some are not.  Teddi Overman knew she had a talent for refinishing antique furniture even though her mother told her there was no future in it.  Her mother wanted her to be a secretary.

Teddi didn't want to be a secretary.  Teddi pursued her dream but had reservations about leaving her family when she did.  She was so far away from them, and since she had left secretly in the middle of the night and on a bad note, there was some regret on her part.  Her decision was a good one in the long run, though.

LOOKING FOR ME is another spectacular read by Beth Hoffman.  The book faces family issues, friendships, dreams, unearthed talents, tragedies, regret, and heartbreak, but also has wonderful lessons.  You will need a kleenex as you follow Teddie Overman from her childhood to adulthood.  You will share in her triumphs and also her let downs.

You will follow the Overman family as the book goes back and forth in time.  Mama was an odd character who was always pessimistic.  Teddi was loveable, hopeful, ambitious, optimistic, and a joy.  Josh was a sad character.  Daddy was a wonderful character.  Grammy was the perfect grandmother.  Stella and Olivia were perfect friends for Teddi.

The book is about important, yet so painful.  I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, the setting, the storyline, and the lessons learned.  The book was uplifting and sweet but will also bring tears to your eyes....good tears.  

LOOKING FOR ME is about the relationship between family members and how tragedies can tear them apart and also about talents that we shouldn't waste.  If you are an antique buff, you will be thrilled.

LOOKING FOR ME perfectly describes how we all are looking for something in our lives that usually takes root in our childhood.  The quote from page 206 made an impression on me and seems to sum up what Ms. Hoffman was trying to convey:  

"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." 

This quote stayed with me long after I turned the last page of the book.

The book is written in Ms. Hoffman's customary beautiful, effortless storytelling style.  It conveys the fragility and beauty of family and the determination to never give up.  

This is a must read so you can soak up the depth of, the warmth of, and the beauty of Ms. Hoffman's writing, and share in the benefit of her words of wisdom about being happy.

I absolutely loved this book.  5/5 

This book was given to me by the author free of charge and without compensation in return for an honest review.


  1. This book is wonderful!!

    Hope you get to read it.

  2. Yes it is! I'm thinking of getting the audio :-)

  3. Sounds like an emotional read. Thanks for your great review!

  4. I've added this book to my To-Read list! Thanks.

  5. I'm thrilled that you loved Teddi's story! Thank you so, so much for your beautiful review and kind words.

  6. I am so excited about this book and your review of it! Beth Hoffman is one of those rare and wonderful people we meet once in a lifetime, but I think it is so neat that everyone gets to "meet" her through her books, too :)

  7. I've read nothing but good things about this book! Need to get a copy NOW.

  8. This book is getting so much love! I'm sure it's well deserved!

  9. I like when stories have some other attraction in addition to the main story, I like reading about antiques.

  10. Hi Elizabeth
    I'm coming from Book Reviews party. This book sounds intriguing. I like book which plays with emotion and based on your review this book should be great for me. Thanks for sharing Elizabeth. =)

    alhafizol @

  11. Looks great! Hope to see it down here soon.

  12. Hi Cuz:
    Long time no talk. Hope all is well. After reading your review, this book is now on my TBR list. Thank you for offering this as a giveaway...have my fingers crossed.

  13. The book was sooo good. THANKS for stopping, Mary.

  14. THANKS, Pat. It was emotional and so very good.

    THANKS for stopping.

  15. You are amazing, Beth.

    Thanks for writing such fantastic books.

  16. Well! I need to add this to my list. Sounds wonderful. Great review

    1. I hope you enjoy it, recca.

      Thanks for commenting.
