Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Astonishing Life Of August March by Aaron Jackson

Born in a theater, thrown into a clothes basket, and found by the laundress.

August March grew up in the theater and was told to never leave the theater because someone would see him and send him to an orphanage.

August made the best of his life in the theater, learned math and reading from one of the actors, and one day did venture out.  He didn't like being in the world.

One day, though, he had no choice.  There was no one left for him, and his beloved theater was torn down.  August had no where to go and had no idea who he really was.

He slept outside, had little to eat, and connected with unsavory characters who were thieves and con artists. Surprisingly he always stayed positive.  One day we find him as the class scholar at an elite boarding school and in charge of the school plays.

Once he graduated, he was unemployed and back to wondering what he would do with his life.  He didn't want to do office work or work in a shop so he decided to just wait a few months to decide.

His life until he decided to work was to just relax.  While relaxing he received sad news that his best friend and so-called father had passed and he was the sole heir.

After his relaxing time, he still couldn't decide what to do so he decided to return to his previous life that helped him survive.  That previous life was a life of crime, but crime on a classier scale this time around.

Even though August was quite a scamp, you won't want to stop reading about his life and his adventures.

THE ASTONISHING LIFE OF AUGUST MARCH is delightful as well as heartbreaking.

It is amazing how August made his way in life.

August will definitely make his way into your life too.

A totally enjoyable, different read.  5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.


  1. I hope you get to read this book.

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. I wonder if this is based on a true story. It sounds good.

    1. Not sure, but I enjoyed it.

      Thanks for your comment, Kathy.

  3. Replies
    1. You are welcome, Mystica.

      Thank you for your comment.

  4. Replies
    1. I enjoyed it.

      Thanks for your comment, Laurel.

  5. He did make the best of everything.

    Thanks for your comment, Vicki.

  6. It was fun, but I think you liked it a bit more than I did. https://tcl-bookreviews.com/2020/04/17/seasons-of-surprises/
