Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Spring Girls by Karen Katchur

Seven years later a third victim, and again it happened in the Spring.

Janey was the only survivor of a serial killer who always struck in the Spring.   

Wonder what the significance of Spring is?

Why can’t Janey remember anything, or is it better she doesn’t?

Since the third murder happened a few days ago, she is worried she is still in danger since she is sure the killer knows she’s alive.

Janey was beside herself since all of this surfaced and the investigation was once again focused on this person named, The Strangler, who preyed on young women in the Spring.

We follow Geena and Parker, the lead investigators, as they use the clues from the current murder and clues from the surviving victim which wasn’t much, but someone knew something - who could it be?

The tension fills the air as clues slowly become unraveled, secrets surface about the first case, and as Geena wonders why her retired partner left some of these clues out of the investigation.  Could this investigation be the reason he retired?

Ms. Katcher masterfully knows how to keep you turning the pages and to keep you guessing. Her descriptions have you sharing the feelings and fears of the characters.

Thriller fans will not be able to put down Ms. Katchur’s new chilling, pulsating read.

SPRING GIRLS is filled with secrets, lies, and a crime no one wants to even imagine happening. 5/5

This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.


  1. I hope you get to read this book.

    ENJOY if you do.

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. Another must read book for me! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are going to love it, Laurel.

      Thanks for your comment.
