Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Matchmaker's Gift by Lynda Cohen Loigman

Have you ever heard of a matchmaker?

Sara Glickman had a gift of matchmaking that she had to keep secret so the elders wouldn't complain she was stealing their business of matching up couples.

Sara would see a beam of light travel from a man to a woman or vice versa, and she knew they were made for each other. 

Her first matchmaking was on the boat from Europe to New York for her sister.

She made many matches, and unfortunately the one she made for herself was heartbreaking because she found out the man she loved had sparks leading to another woman.

We follow Sara and her granddaughter, Abby, throughout the book.

Abby is a divorce attorney in present day, and we meet Sara in 1918 as she does her magic.

Sara was an endearing character. 

Abby was just as endearing and had reservations about being an attorney.  Should she become a matchmaker like her grandmother?

Loved this book from the first page to the last with its marvelous research, lovable characters, and gorgeous cover.

If you need a sweet read with sweet characters, don't miss THE MATCHMAKER'S GIFT.  5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.


  1. Replies
    1. I LOVED it!! ♥️

      Thank you for your comment, shelleyrae.

  2. Sounds like my kind of book does it not? Great review, will mark it on GR.

    1. Yes...your kind of book. You will LOVE it.

      Thanks for commenting, Kathryn.

  3. Great review. Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. I'll probably not read it, but the cover is so so gorgeous! Gad it was a good one for you

    1. Yes....gorgeous cover.

      Thanks - it was a good read.

      And thanks for your comment, Emma.

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