Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell

The narration of the book was superb, the entire book was amazing, and the ending was incredible.  

The characters came alive, and I could see every scene vividly. Ms. Rindell brought to the literary world a great style and an extraordinary book.  Her descriptions are so lyrical and detailed you can easily and pleasantly visualize even the slightest action. The main "stage" of the book takes place in a police station, but that was not a detriment to the story. The smooth, easy flow of the novel was flawless, entertaining, and a bit mysterious. 

The book focused on the lives of the two main characters, Rose and Odalie, with Odalie being "the other typist."  The author was exploring relationships and human interaction....something we all have in our lives and need to deal with. Rose was the honest, unassuming one and Odalie seemed to want a friend but was manipulative, cunning, almost villian-like, and had another life separate from her typist's life at the police station. A life that Rose was not aware of but found out as their friendship progressed.

It was quite easy to get involved in the characters' lives which made the book difficult to put down.  You will absolutely love how the book flowed but you will also be afraid for Rose as she enters this new relationship with Odalie.  I liked Rose at the beginning but became disappointed as the book continued because of how she changed and how she was so captivated and easily swayed by Odalie. I didn't like Odalie from the minute she walked through the door at the police station on her first day of her new job. I could immediately tell what kind of person she was.  Are you curious why I am saying this?  :)  You will have to find out when you read this impressive book.

Think of a  friendship you had in your life.  Was it a friendship that lasted, was it simply a friendship that you thought was a good one but one that didn't last, was it one you really shouldn't have been in, or was it one that turned out to be a friendship for life?

This book has everything a wonderful book should have:  a beautiful writing style, characters you will become attached to, outstanding descriptions, an easily pulled into storyline, and a bit of secrecy and intrigue. Absolutely loved it. 5/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.


  1. Oh my goodness....I LOVED this book.

    If anyone else reads it, please send me an e-mail. I have a few things I would love to discuss.

  2. Wow, I can tell you loved this one! I can't wait to read it now!

  3. I already saw one review recommending this book and yours cinches it for me. This is my next read.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. Sorry it took me so long to return the favor.

  4. You will love the book, What Remains Now and anyone who reads it.

    It is very discussable, and you will want to discuss it when you are done reading it.

    Send me your thoughts if anyone reads it.


  5. Wow - I think that's what you'd call an unqualified recommendation!

  6. I've seen this one around...sounds intriguing! Thanks for stopping by from Book Review Wednesdays :)

  7. Thanks for the review. I think I saw this book on NetGalley a while back, it did look good.

    -Liz from Books I Think You Should Read

  8. Good one, Elizabeth. Thanks for adding it to the BYL library. Cheers

  9. Hi, glad I stopped by from Carole's linky list, this is one book on my list to get to read and review also. After reading your review I will push he publishers harder to get it for me :]

  10. This sounds like a must read to add to my list. Thanks for the great review!

  11. I'm glad Carole's linkup reminded me of this - I read your review at the time and tried to get hold of it, but it wasn't out in the UK then - it is now, so I shall certainly read it.

  12. Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for stopping by my site.
    I saw this book in Barnes & Noble and instantly recognized it because I had read your review. The Other Typist sounds really intriguing. I think I may add it to my TBR pile.

  13. Hey Elizabeth,

    thanks for visiting my book entry. The Other Typist sounds rather intense, yet intriguing :).

    - Chris

  14. It was so good, Christopher.

    I still need someone to discuss this book with. :)

  15. Thanks for your message on my blog. Nice review, haven't seen this book before.

  16. thanks Elizabeth, you convinced me to read this book! great review

  17. Oh wow, FANTASTIC review! I think this one needs to go on my TBR list now.

  18. This looks interesting! Thanks for stopping by my review :)

  19. Oh my goodness...I loved this book.

    Let me know what you think...I am still confused about what went on.

  20. Well, this does sound interesting... and different.

    1. Please let me know if you figure it out. 😀

      Thanks for your comment, Davida.
