Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Family Inside by Katie Garner

How did Iris get herself into this situation?

No job, no home - she had to move in with Hugh.

What a strange house and family Iris finds at Ravencliff.

She didn't have a recourse, but the house Hugh moved her and her daughter Ellory into was in disrepair and had many family members - not just Hugh's mother.

Odd things start happening, and then Hugh’s sister and Ellory disappear.

Are they together?  Did Hugh's family orchestrate this?

What will happen next to add to what appears to be a bad move on Iris's part.

Just who is this family?

Lots of creepy things happening along with odd, mean, violent characters with two storylines going - for readers who like twists and unexpected things.  

And…what an ending….a bit bizarre, but all wrapped up.  4/5

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book.  All opinions are my own.


  1. Have you read this book? Are you planning to read it?

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. So many questions to be answered. Not sure its for me but I appreciate your thoughts.

  3. That one sounds great. I better add that to my list. I like a twist ending.

    1. I hope you enjoy it.

      Thanks for commenting, Tina
