Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Other People by C.B. Everett

Where am I?

What is going on?

Everyone has been waking up in a room that they had no idea how they got there or why their phones were gone and why they had some wrist band on that they can't take off.

Then the doors unlock and they assemble in the dining room still not knowing how they got there or where they were before they ended up in this house.

Weird things happen with things being locked including their dinner plate covers which once revealed show that each person has a plate of food that is one of their favorite foods.

What is going on and what happens?

How will they get out?  

What does the person who did this want?

Find out in this evasive, chilling, locked room thriller/horror with unlikeable characters. 

Cleverly done, but a little too out there for me.  3/5

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book.  All opinions are my own.

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