Saturday, August 3, 2024

Tahoe Rescue by Todd Borg

Working for a cosmetic company couldn’t have been a more perfect job.

Livvy was ecstatic when a friend of hers referred her to Georgia, the owner of a multi-million dollar cosmetic firm.

Livvy had been there for six months, and all was going so well, but then her boss got killed in a car accident.

But…was it an accident?

Livvy goes to Owen McKenna‘s office and tells him her story.

She also tells Owen that  Georgia’s son told her she had to leave his mother‘s house and feels like she’s also in danger but not sure why.

Owen doesn’t really think anything about her story until Agent Ramos mentions at a meeting that there is a pirate group they are investigating that is stealing art.

The reason Owen's ears perked up was because Livvy said a guy she met said he worked on a pirate ship.

Was this guy just making a joke or does he really work on a pirate ship for this team of people that steal artwork?

As usual, lots of drama and risks happen when Owen McKenna gets involved.

And Livvy finds out she was correct.  

She is in danger, but she doesn’t know why.

Art historians and those readers who enjoy figuring secret ciphering codes will definitely enjoy this book along with his wonderful descriptive writing.

You never leave a Todd Borg book without sparking your interest in some topic or learning something new about a subject.

And…you get to visit with Street, His Largeness, Blondie, McKenna, and delightful  Camille.  5/5

Thank you to the author for a copy of this book.  All opinions are my own.


  1. Another good one!!

    Enjoy when you read it!!

    Thanks for stopping.

  2. Glad you enjoyed this one. It sounds good and I like the cover.

    1. This is his 22nd book with the same characters, but each one is a standalone. :)

      I like his books and the characters.

      Thanks for your comment, the bookworm.
