Thursday, August 31, 2023

FEATURING: Little Sister by Gytha Lodge

Why would you harm your little sister?
Keely and her sister were in foster care since their mother died and both left the care home they were in without permission, but Keely is the only one who makes it into the public eye and tells the police her story.
Those readers who “really” enjoy guessing will not want to miss this twisty, creative read.
Ms. Lodge brilliantly kept us at bay and created another amazing thriller. 5/5


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

FEATURING: The Star-Crossed Sisters of Tuscany by Lori Nelson Spielman

Emilia is one of the many cursed, second-born daughters of the Fontana Family who are said will never be able to find love.
Emilia took this seriously because for generations that seems to be what has happened.
THE STAR-CROSSED SISTERS OF TUSCANY is a heartfelt, extraordinary read that makes you realize it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

It is about family and living your life to the fullest and loving like there’s no tomorrow.
And...if you like secrets, there is a huge family one that gets uncovered.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Kissing Kosher by Jean Meltzer

The feud between the Lippmanns and the Cohens because of their bakery, Best Babka Bakery in Brooklyn, still continued after all of these years.

It continued with another idea by Moishe Lippmann that forced his grandson Ethan to get a job at the bakery and to not reveal who he was or what he was after.
What he was after was the recipe for the pumpkin-spiced babka recipe that Chayim Lippman claims Moishe stole from him.
Having that recipe would be the ultimate win because that recipe is literally kept under lock and key by the family and loved by every patron and lover of sweets in Brooklyn.

Ethan presented himself for the job as a seasoned chef who had worked in Paris when he had never baked or worked a day in his life.

Can he pull it off since he has no baking experience? 
Well…it seems so since he was not allowed in the kitchen.  He was relegated to taking out the trash and assembling the trademarked pink boxes.

While he has no access to the kitchen, he does have another perk - Avital Cohen the owner. 
She makes his heart flutter, but it would be a sin to fall in love since their families are such mortal enemies.

Will Ethan and Avital be able to keep apart? 
Will Ethan be looking more for love than worrying about stealing the recipe his extremely stern and critical grandfather demands?

KISSING KOSHER was a delightful, entertaining read with some nice surprises.  You will love all the characters.

It was also educational for me as I learned about the Jewish culture and customs.  5/5

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy.  All opinions are my own.



PHOTO CREDIT:  Lisa Damico

Jean Meltzer studied dramatic writing at NYU Tisch and has earned numerous awards for her work in television, including a daytime Emmy. 


She spent five years in rabbinical school before her chronic illness forced her to withdraw, and her father told her she should write a book—just not a Jewish one because no one reads those.  


Kissing Kosher is her third novel.




Barnes & Noble






Author Website

Facebook: @JeanMeltzerAuthor

Instagram: @JeanMeltzer


Monday, August 28, 2023

FEATURING: The Ex-Husband by Karen Hamilton


Where is Sam?

He was always there with Charlotte making some deal or conning someone, but now he is missing.

THE EX-HUSBAND takes us on cruise ships and has an undertone of menace as we wonder how Charlotte and Sam got away with what they did and how we follow Charlotte and her fears about what is going on now.

If you enjoy Karen Hamilton’s books and her always-great endings, you won’t want to miss this one.

It's Monday!! What Are YOU Reading? - 8/28/2023

I hope you had a great reading week.
This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOK DATE!

Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
Books Completed:
THE R0ARING DAYS OF ZORA LILY by Noelle Salazar - review will be on October 6.
LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book.
BRIGHT LIGHTS, BIG CHRISTMAS by Mary Kay Andrews - review will be on September 26.
THE MIDWIFE OF BERLIN by Anna Stuart - review will be on September 18. 
THE ROYAL WINDSOR SECRET by Christine Wells - review will be on September 13. 
THE STRANGER UPSTAIRS by Lisa M. Matlin - review will be on September 12. It is a good one.
THE HOTEL by Emily Shiner - review will be on September 10.
Very good thriller.
THE WIFE IN THE PHOTO by Emily Shiner - review will be on September 11. 
First time reading this author.  Excellent thriller.
KISSING KOSHER by Jean Meltzer - review will be on August 29. An entertaining read.  You will love the characters.
THE KEEPER OF HIDDEN BOOKS by Madeleine Martin - review will be on August 21.
Another one you won't want to miss by Ms. Martin.
by Allison Brennan - NORTH OF NOWHEREreview is in the book's title.  
Takes a few chapters, but worth the wait.
MAIDENS OF THE CAVEby Lloyd Devereaux Richards - review is in the book's title.
It is a good one.  You will love the main character.

THE HOUSE OF EVE by Sadeqa Johnson - review is in the book's title.
A FABULOUS read....don't miss it.
 NONE OF THIS IS TRUE by Lisa Jewell - review is in the book's title.
A slow burn, but a good one.
A KILLER IN THE FAMILY  by Gytha Lodge - review is in the book's title.
Another good one by Gytha Lodge.
DEAD AND GONEby Joanna Schaffhausen - review is in the book's title.

Another good Annalisa Vega story line.
by Megan Goldin - review is in the book's title.DARK CORNERS
IN A QUIET TOWN by Amber Garza - review is in the book's title.
It's a good one...hope you get to read it.

Book Currently Reading:
THE GERMAN DRESSMAKER by Susan Shalev - review will be on September 29.
Books Up Next:
THESE STILL BLACK WATERS by Christina McDonald - review will be on October 1.
A TRAITOR IN WHITEHALL by Julia Kelly - review will be on October 3.
THE INTERN by Michele Campbell - review will be on October 4.


DREAMING OF WATER by A. J. Banner - review will be on October 10.

THE LEFTOVER WOMAN by Jean Kwok - review will be on October 11.
THE ROAD TO SOMORROSTRO by Julie Slack - review will be on October 16.
SISTERS UNDER THE RISING SUN by Heather Morris - review will be on October 24.

DEADLY TIDES by Mary Keliikoa - review will be on October 25.
WHEN I'M DEAD by Hannah Morrissey - review will be on October 31.
THE PORCELAIN MAKER by Sarah Freethy - review will be on November 7.
THE ENGAGEMENT PARTY by Darby Kane - review will be on December 6.
THE WISHING BRIDGE by Viola Shipman - review will be on November 8.
THE FICTION WRITER by Jillian Cantor - review will be on November 28.
PERFECT LITTLE LIVES by Amber Brown and Danielle Brown - review will be on December 7.
THE VACATION by John Marrs - review will be on December 19.
THE PARIS HOUSEKEEPER by Renee Ryan - review will be on December 26.
TWO DEAD WIVES by Adele Parks - review will be on December 29.
THE LOST VAN GOGH by Jonathan Santlofer - review will be on January 2, 2024.
NORTHWOOD by Amy Pease - review will be on January 11.
UNSINKABLE by Jenni L. Walsh - review will be on January 19, 2024.
THE HEIRESS by Rachel Hawkins - review will be on January 9, 2024
EVERYONE WHO CAN FORGIVE ME IS DEAD by Jenny Hollander - review will be on February 6.
THE QUEENS OF LONDON by Heather Webb - review will be on February 7, 2024.
THE GUEST by B. A. Paris - review will be on February 20, 2024.
BYE, BABY by Carola Lovering - review will be on March 5, 2024.

THE GIRLS WE SENT AWAY by Meagan Church - review will be on March 6.
DARLING GIRLS by Sally Hepworth - review will be on April 23, 2024.