Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First in the Mind & Heart by Wayland Matthew Fox

The story of Wayland Matthew Fox should be an eye opener to all.  Anyone could be subject to an accusation that sticks simply because of a statement by another person, and it can even happen without evidence.  This book takes us on a journey through the horror of being wrongly accused, the ruining of someone's life, and the reality that this is something that could happen to literally anyone.

Mr. Fox's descriptions of his life inside a prison will bring you to tears.  He also brings to light how attorneys and the justice system both operate.  The book is very well written and one worth reading for many reasons.

Mr. Fox should be commended for his honest portrayal of what happened to him and how his belief in God helped him get through it all.

And I personally want to thank Mr. Fox for a wonderful, enlightening, and soul-searching novel.  My best to you, Mr. Fox.


  1. I don't think I can read this right now. I have a relative who has been wrongly accused and charged. We are all so nervous and stressed. One think I've already learned -- even though you are innocent until proven guilty, the media portrays you as guilty as soon as you are charged. Remember that when you watch the news....

  2. So sorry to hear this, Annette. That is exactly what Mr. Fox says in his book.

    I hope things turn out for you. I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. I'm stopping by from Cym Lowell's Book Review Party.

    This seems like a very interesting book. I'll add it to my TBR list.


  4. THANKS for stopping Book Bound Musings.

  5. This is a tragic situation. Thanks for a good review and for linking at Cym's.
    Thanks for visiting me too.

  6. I came from Cym Lowell's Book Review Party Wednesday (BRPW).

    Fox gotta be a strong personality to get through something so harrowing and survive...

    Cherry Mischievous

  7. Great review of what sounds like a great read.

    FYI...I've snagged your blog button and placed it at Ruthi Reads!

  8. I haven't heard of this title before, but it sounds interesting. And how bad can a book be if it's written by a Fox? :)
