Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday Snapshot - 8/31/13

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda of West Metro Mommy.

It’s easy to participate – just post a picture that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Melinda’s site.

I haven't participated for a few weeks, but wanted to share the "river/rivers" that appeared in my back yard after we had a heavy rainstorm.



  1. Oh my, it is so very green where you are! At times it seems I live in a desert with the little rain that we get in SoCal. Looks like you got quite a lot for the summer. Thanks for stopping by, much appreciated!

  2. That's how it's looked around here for much of the summer. I'm tired of rain but it's in our forecast again today.

  3. This only happens when we have a really heavy rain, but it has been raining so much all summer the ground is saturated.

    Thanks for stopping.

  4. My goodness, did it ever dry up, did you get some into your house?

  5. It dried up as soon as the rain stopped.

    None in our house at all.

    THANKS for stopping, Irene.

  6. Lucky you! We get run off from heavy storms a few times a year and it goes right into our cellar (which, thankfully, has a sump pump!) ...

  7. We are lucky to not get any water. Thankfully it is diverted to about five feet from the house and goes right down the hill.

    The grass and plants love the rain, but they are starting to look a bit droopy from all the rain.

    Thanks for stopping, Susan.

  8. Has rained a lot this summer here in northeast! Kind of a bummer after a pretty cold winter. At least we will have green grass for a while longer :)

  9. Right...grass is VERY green.

    THANKS for stopping Rita_h.

  10. It's so green!! so me, this desert rat.

  11. LOL you desert rat, Debbie.

    Thanks for stopping by. The rain definitely makes it green and soggy. :)

  12. You have a gorgeous looks very woodsy, which I love. Thanks for sharing!

  13. THANKS, Laurel. It is woodsy. I love it too. Nice and shady.

    THANKS for stopping by.

  14. Wow ... you've had some heavy rain. We're having a horrible dry/hot spell here.

    Happy weekend, Elizabeth!

  15. Happy Weekend to you too, Beth.

    The rain came down in about an hour. It was two inches of it.

    Everything is pretty green for August. Usually the grass is all dried out and brown.

    THANKS for stopping.

  16. Enjoyed your green backyard and even the small rivers. We have more rain than usual too, but unfortunately the weather has turned dry and hot for the last few weeks. We could use some rain again.

  17. Surprising but somehow fun when rivers like that appear, as long as they do no damage. Here's Mine

  18. Oh, swampy! We've had lots of rain, and lots of green, this year too.

  19. Oh my gosh! Looks like you've had the kinds of rains we've had in NJ. These are very cool photos although I know the kind of trouble water like that can be. Have a great Weekend, Elizabeth!

  20. You have a gorgeous backyard, even when a bit sodden.

  21. Very swampy, Leslie, and it happened again today with another downpour and really strong thunder.

  22. No damage, thankfully, Paulita.

    THANKS for stopping.

  23. We could use rain here. Everything is dry, dry, dry. :-( When downpours do happen, thankfully, not much flooding happens except for on a few streets.

  24. Where are you located, Allison?

    Flooding was bad in some of the towns around here. We didn't have any damage...just the water coming down the hill in the yar.

    THANKS for stopping, Allison.

  25. Looks like my yard did a couple of weeks ago! I live north of Pittsburgh.

  26. You live North of Pittsburgh. Fun, Peggy Ann.

    THANKS for stopping.

  27. Oh my. Thankfully our yard doesn't gather water when it rains. Now the basement is another story.

  28. Luckily we NEVER have gotten water in our basement, Carol.

    THANKS for stopping by.
