Friday, April 25, 2014

Ember Island by Kimberley Freeman

To be a woman in the 1800’s had no "perks."  Women were trained solely for marriage.

Tilly Kirkland ​was an 1800's woman and ​definitely didn't know what she was getting into when she married Jasper.  Jasper offered her a beautiful home and a wonderful life.  What Tilly was ​really ​offered was infidelity and cruelty.  Who would blame Tilly for wanting to leave and start a new life somewhere else?​

Tilly made her move​ to Ember Island to become a governess for Nell, but the secret she carried about the reason for the move out of her husband's home and the incident that occurred plagued her for her entire life.​  Precocious Nell kept an eye on Tilly because she knew something wasn't right and also that something was right when it came to her father and Tilly.
 ​  ​
Could Nell figure out what constantly troubled Tilly?​  What would Nell find out about Tilly?  What would Tilly teach Nell?  What would Ember Island teach Tilly?

EMBER ISLAND moves from events that took place in Australia in 1891 both in Tilly's life and Nell's life ​to the present day where secrets were hidden in the walls of a family homestead that Tilly lived in during the time she was governess to Nell. The connection between the characters from both time periods is marvelous.

What were these secrets that had been written down? How did it come about that were they hidden in the walls and found by the current homeowner, Nina, who was an author?

EMBER ISLAND was absorbing, the writing was ​beautiful, the characters ​were well developed as well as deep​, the characters were very authentic, and the storyline ​kept me turning the pages...especially the ending.  :)

EMBER ISLAND is made up of secrets, guilt, ​hidden journals, love, and finding oneself.

Don't miss reading EMBER ISLAND.  It is spectacular.   :)​   5/5

This book was given to me free of charge by the publisher in return for an honest review.


  1. I am going to put this into my TBR list it really does sound good.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,

    Your obvious enthusiasm for this story, comes across vividly in your review. This in itself, is enough to ensure that 'Ember Island' finds its way onto my TBR shelves.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts,


  3. sounds good, I don't my TBR list can handle it though, well maybe.

  4. LOL, Irene.

    TBR lists do get out of control.

    So many books, so little time.

    THANKS for stopping.

  5. It is very good, Kathryn T.

    I hope you get to read it.

    THANKS for stopping by.

  6. Great my enthusiasm shows through.

    I think you will like it, Yvonne.

    THANKS for stopping.

  7. THANKS for stopping, Beth.

    It was quite good.

  8. I hope you read it. I don't think it is historical fiction. I may be wrong, though.

    It just goes back and forth in time.

    I hope you give it a try, Vicki.

    THANKS for stopping.

  9. I have this on my shelf as well as Freemans newest but I haven't had a chance to read them yet!

  10. I hope you like it, shelleyrae.

    THANKS for stopping.

  11. I just received this one for review. Happy to see you enjoyed it so much!

  12. will love it, readingdate.

    Let me know your thoughts.

  13. Elizabeth, great review. I've read other books by Kimberly Freeman and have enjoyed them.

  14. THANKS, Pat.

    I have never read any of her books but will have to now.

    I hope you get to read Ember Island.

  15. ooo, hidden journals - that grabs my attention. glad to hear you liked it. i just might have to try it.

  16. It was a lot of fun, vvb32.

    Thanks for stopping.

  17. That does sound good - and I love the cover! A red dress will always do it for me...

  18. Yep--red dresses do the trick.

    THANKS for stopping by, Clothes In Books.

  19. Wow, you really loved this book, I can tell from the review :)

  20. It really was good, nishitak.

    THANKS for stopping.
