Thursday, February 29, 2024

Showcase of Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles by Elizabeth Crownes and 5 - $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles

by Elizabeth Crowens

February 26 - March 22, 2024 Virtual Book Tour

Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles by Elizabeth Crowens Banner


“Sherlock Holmes has lost his dog? We have bigger crimes to solve. Go find him yourself!” That’s what the Los Angeles Police Department told Basil Rathbone. The City Pound ridiculed him as well.

Asta, the dog from the popular Thin Man series, has also vanished, and production for his next film is pending. MGM Studios offers a huge reward, and that’s exactly what young private detectives Babs Norman and Guy Brandt need for their struggling business to survive. Celebrity dognapping now a growing trend, Basil also hires them to find his missing Cocker Spaniel.

The three concoct a plan for Basil to assume his on-screen persona and round up possible suspects, including Myrna Loy and William Powell; Dashiell Hammett, creator of The Thin Man; Nigel Bruce, Basil’s on-screen Doctor Watson; Hollywood-newcomer, German philanthropist and film financier Countess Velma von Rache, and the top animal trainers in Tinseltown. Yet everyone will be in for a shock when the real reason behind the canine disappearances is even more sinister than imagined.

Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles by Elizabeth Crowens

Jump into Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles, Book One of the Babs Norman Golden Age of Hollywood Mystery series, Finalist in the Killer Nashville Claymore Awards for Comedy and First Prize winner in the Chanticleer Review’s Mark Twain Awards for Comedy and Satire.

Get ready for its sequel, Bye, Bye, Blackbird, featuring Humphrey Bogart and the cast of The Maltese Falcon.


"I heartily enjoyed Elizabeth Crowens latest book HOUNDS OF THE HOLLYWOOD BASKERVILLES. This comedy-mystery is set during the golden age of Hollywood. Crowens’ detectives, Babs Norman and Guy Brandt, believe the case (involving dognapping and other nefarious doings) could put them on the map—especially with a star client like Basil Rathbone and suspects such as Myrna Loy, William Powell, Nigel Bruce, Dashiell Hammett, Lillian Hellman—and more. A nice look behind the scenes of the dream factory known as MGM and Hollywood in its glory days with a delicious whodunit with witty repartee to boot. This book is a real winner."


"Move over, Holmes and Watson. Stand aside, Nick and Nora Charles. Make room for PI Babs Norman and her Guy Friday, Guy Brandt! Author Elizabeth Crowens deftly combines humor, excitement, and epic name-dropping in this entertaining adventure set in Hollywood’s Golden Age."
~ Carla Coupe, editor of Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, member of the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes and The Baker Street Irregulars

"Elizabeth Crowens’ Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles is a thrilling and hilarious romp through the days of Old Hollywood. If you ever wanted to jump into the screen and spend time with Nick Charles and Sherlock Holmes, this is the next best thing. I, for one, can’t wait for more adventures with Babs and Guy! Delightful!"
~ Phoef Sutton, Emmy Award-winning producer of Cheers, author of the Crush novels, and co-host of the Film Freaks Forever podcast


Genre: Golden Age of Hollywood Humorous Mystery
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: March 2024
Number of Pages: 299
Series: A Babs Norman Hollywood Mystery, Book 1
Book Links: Amazon | Kindle | Goodreads


Chapter 1

Flea Circus Hollywood, 1940

Babs bundled Miss Marple in a beach towel. Otherwise, she would get clawed. Her disgruntled partner flinched from fleabites while holding a box of kittens. She looked around the vet’s waiting room to see if she recognized anyone, but all she noticed were an unknown house frau with a French-cut Miniature Poodle, a uniformed nurse with a Cocker Spaniel, and a frumpy elder with a Shirley Temple hopeful hugging her Saint Bernard.

The front door flew open, revealing a tall, thin, but athletic gentleman with his chestnut hair slicked back. His striking profile rivaled classic sculptures, except for the sweat which dripped down his forehead. Under one arm were photostat flyers. Under the other, a folded-up copy of Daily Variety. Both featured photos of dogs.

Guy poked Babs in the ribs to get her attention. “Recognize him?”

She observed the newcomer, who explained his dilemma in haste to the assistant, but most of what Babs could see was from behind. “Who?”

“Rathbone…Basil Rathbone.”

“The actor who plays Sherlock Holmes?”

“Shush. Don’t advertise it to everyone on Sunset Boulevard.”

In a whisper, he disclosed the highlights of the actor’s resume. “That, and Captain Blood, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and more, not to mention quite a bit of theater. If we keep it discreet, maybe we can find out why he’s here.”

Basil approached the lady with the cocker and asked if he could scratch him under his chin. “Such a handsome boy. My Leo looks a lot like him, except his coat is a deep red rather than brown.”

He pointed to the bulletin board with listings for lost pets and adoptions and handed the front desk assistant his entire stack. “I’ll have more printed. Please give them to all of your clients. If I can’t find my poor Leo, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

Babs saw this as an opportunity to get acquainted. She sprang from her seat, clutching the hissing fuzzball wrapped like a jellyroll. “Maybe I can help in your search.”

Basil narrowed his eyes. “Do I know you?”

“Babs Norman.” She attempted to extend her hand for a proper introduction, but struggled with the snarling feline. “Cast as an extra in The Adventures of Robin Hood.”

“Ah…with Errol Flynn, in the days when the studios always had me play the villain.”

She gleaned from the subtle shift on his face he didn’t care for his co-star.

He eyed her with sudden skepticism. “Refresh my memory. What scene were you in? Almost all parts were male.”

“When Sir Robin of Locksley revealed to Maid Marion that he saved the lives of desperate villagers. I played a peasant wife, but my back was toward the camera.”

“What a shame,” Basil said.

Babs blushed. “I used to be an actress, but not anymore.”

“What do you consider yourself now?” Basil asked.

The vet’s assistant came between them. “Miss, maybe he desires privacy.” He ignored Babs and asked Basil. “Sir, have you filed a report with the pound?”

“I tried, but I have little faith they can help. Everyone laughed and said, ‘Sherlock Holmes has lost his dog!’”

Babs cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. First, she addressed the rude assistant. “Excuse me, but you interrupted us before I could answer his question.” Then she turned to Basil. “The reason I’m no longer an actress is now I’m a private investigator. The gentleman next to me is my associate, Guy Brandt.”

Basil dismissed the employee’s well-meaning intervention. “Such an odd transition from acting. What compelled you to get into that business?”

She lowered her head. “It’s a long story.” He didn’t need to know the truth about her father’s murder. “I also have an acute talent for finding things, whether they are people…or pets.”

“You have an actual private investigator’s license?” Basil asked.

“In my purse.” She tried to fish it out while wrestling with the cat, who broke free from her grasp. Between Guy and another staff member, they corralled the anxious tabby into a handheld cage.

“I’m so sorry.” Babs looked around at the bedlam of barking dogs. “This stray doesn’t want to nurse her kits, and I think she has—”

“Fleas.” Basil scratched his arms. “Looks like we’re both having kittens.”

She also felt an oncoming rash. “Come again?”

“Ha! It’s a peculiar old English expression. People believed a witch’s curse caused painful pregnancies, but instead of a child, they thought the woman had kittens inside her, clawing to get out. Since I’m not expectant, it shows my uncomfortable position in more ways than one.”

Babs flushed; aware this was an awkward introduction for a potential client. Meanwhile, staff members brought the kittens into the back for examination.

She plucked her ID and her business card out of her purse. “B. Norman, Investigations. In case you need proof.”

He put down his copy of Daily Variety to accept her card. Babs swiped his tabloid, attracted by a photo of another dog on its cover.

“Someone else’s dog is missing.” Babs read the article out loud. “Skippy, the wire-haired Fox Terrier known as Asta in the Thin Man movies, has vanished. Production is supposed to start on the next film featuring the lovable detectives Nick and Nora Charles. A one-thousand-dollar reward. No questions asked.”

Guy whistled. “That’s one hefty jackpot.”

Basil looked at her business card one more time. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I’ll match that for the return of my red cocker. My wife will think I’m insane. I was offering one hundred.” He showed them his flyers. “For you, as professionals, I guess I’ll make an exception, since now it looks like I have serious competition from producers with studio funds. Is that enough of an incentive?”

“Our agency is on Hollywood Boulevard, close to La Brea,” she said with a confident smile.

“Let’s say I stop over tomorrow on the way to the studio. Perhaps I should trust your expertise if you say you’re so good with animals.”

Babs nodded and forced herself to contain her excitement. “Sir, do you mind if I borrow your newspaper?”

“Keep it,” Basil said. He handed her both his copy of Daily Variety and several of his flyers.

After he left, she turned to her partner. “Who says we can’t go after both Asta or Skippy and Leo?”

The vet returned with the verdict. “There’s no doubt your adult cat has a case of fleas, which might have also infested your furniture. The kittens are another matter. They’re too young to eat food on their own. The obvious issue you overlooked is the adult is not their mama, because she’s a he. Not so obvious with his long and thick matted fur. That’s why he wouldn’t nurse the little ones.”

Babs turned red. “I can’t believe I was so caught up in the moment that I overlooked something that simple.”

“A coincidence, I’m afraid. You must’ve put two and two together when you found this fellow near a box of abandoned kittens,” the vet explained. “The newborns will need around-the-clock attention, and Old Tom will need a few flea baths before he’s ready to go back to anyone’s home.”

Babs grimaced. She looked at Guy and then back toward the vet. “Can’t play nursemaid while running a business.”

“Don’t worry.” The vet reassured her. “Leave them here. My staff will handle it. We’ll find good homes for all of them.”


Excerpt from Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles by Elizabeth Crowens. Copyright 2023 by Elizabeth Crowens. Reproduced with permission from Elizabeth Crowens. All rights reserved.



Elizabeth Crowens has worn many hats in the entertainment industry and has a popular Caption Contest on Facebook. She has three award-winning alternate history novels. Awards include 2020 Leo B. Burstein Scholarship from the MWA-NY Chapter, New York Foundation of the Arts grant, an Eric Hoffer Award, Honorable Mention in the Glimmer Train Awards, and two grand prize and five first prize Chanticleer Awards, including Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles, the first in her Babs Norman Hollywood series, which is also a Killer Nashville Claymore Awards finalist and part of her three-book publishing deal with Level Best Books

BookBub - @ECrowens
Instagram - @crowens_author
Twitter/X - @ECrowens
Facebook - @thereel.elizabeth.crowens


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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Spotlight of Castles and Ruins by Rue Matthiessen




February 20, 2024



“Matthiessen’s powerful storytelling vividly portrays her childhood and coming-of-age years….thought-provoking and moving.”--Edith Wairimu, Readers’ Favorite



Decades after spending a summer in the Irish countryside with her parents—author Deborah Love and National Book Award winner Peter Matthiessen—Rue takes her young family back to Ireland to revisit locales from that season in the sixties. 

As a guide, she has her mother's poetic book, Annaghkeen, named for the castle that overlooked their home in Galway.

What begins as a simple, nostalgic trip quickly becomes something far more complex. 

As Rue approaches Annaghkeen Castle and digs deeper into her parents’ literary legacy, a trove of memories is unearthed, forcing her to reckon with a childhood fraught with the stormy energy of two brilliant parents often at odds with each other and their children.

Both a rich and informative travelogue and a profoundly emotional memoir, Castles & Ruins celebrates the triumph of creative success while frankly appraising the often-terrible costs a family must pay for it.



Rue Matthiessen is based on the East End of Long Island and in New York City.

At Bard College she majored in literature, and afterwards was a journalist for The East Hampton Star.

She had her own photography studio in Los Angeles for six years.

Her essays and short fiction have been published in numerous literary journals.

Her book, Buttonwood Cottage, about renovating a house in the Caribbean, is available on Amazon.

She is currently at work on a novel, Julia with Closed Eyes

Recently, Rue was featured in the Bridgehampton Museum’s Distinguished Lecture Series and other speaking engagements. 

See more at

INSTAGRAM:   @ruematthiessen

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Sisters of Belfast by Melanie Maure

Going to be a January and a 2024 favorite!!


Monday, February 26, 2024

Showcase of Black & White by Justin M. Kiska


by Justin M. Kiska

February 19 - March 15, 2024

Virtual Book Tour


Parker City, 1985 . . .

A picturesque spring morning takes a disturbing turn when the frozen body of a young woman is discovered in a field on the outskirts of the city. As Detectives Ben Winters and Tommy Mason arrive on the scene, they have no idea upon what type of an investigation they are about to embark. With no identification, no breadcrumbs to lead them to the girl’s origins, or even a cause of death, they face a daunting task ahead as they take on their latest case.

Black & White by Justin M. Kiska
As the investigation lingers in limbo, a surprise revelation connects it to a mysterious chapter from Parker City’s past. One that Tommy's own uncle was a part of four decades early as a debonair private investigator working for the venerable Stride Detective Agency, tenaciously searching for the missing daughter of a former diplomat. It's a connection that binds two generations of detectives in an intricate web of intrigue.

In this captivating new installment of Parker City Mysteries, both investigations unravel simultaneously, forging an unbreakable link between the past and the present. As Ben and Tommy navigate their way through the case, they must confront the truth to a secret that has remained concealed for far too long.


Genre: Police Procedural
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: February 2024
Number of Pages: 300
ISBN: Coming Soon!
Series: Parker City Mysteries, Book 4
Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads


Stepping out of the car, the weather was so nice, Ben left his suit jacket laying on the backseat where he’d tossed it before leaving the station. But, as he always did when he was about to enter a new crime scene, he placed his hand on the Smith & Wesson on his hip. The weight of the cool metal helped to center him so he could focus on whatever he was about to be confronted by. It reminded him how important his work was and the duty he believed so much in. It was thinking like that that earned Ben a reputation of being a Boy Scout. An idealist who truly wanted to protect and defend the people of Parker City. He always wondered how some people could make that sound like a bad thing.

Some of the older members of the department liked to live in a gray area of the law, while Ben tried his very best to always do what was right. It’s when what was right fell into those gray areas that Ben needed to rely on his partner to help make sense of what needed to be done.

Trying to imagine what they’d been called out for he knew no two crime scenes were ever the same. Sure, elements could be similar. There was always a tragedy overshadowing them, but each was unique. Which is why Ben walked into each with a completely open mind and a keen pair of eyes trying to take in every single detail. It was always the details that cracked a case. Which meant one never knew how important the smallest piece of evidence could really be. If something was out of place, it was important until it wasn’t. That’s how he thought. And sometimes-and this was often the more confusing part-the absence of something was just as important. If not more.

“Not putting your jacket on?” The voice of Ben’s partner, Tommy Mason, came from the other side of the car. “I didn’t realize this was a casual crime scene.”

Ben raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

The two were always picking on one another. It’s what they did. It’s what made their friendship so strong. When it came to what to wear as police detectives, there was a continuing debate between the two. Ben felt a suit and tie was most appropriate. Not only did it look more professional and attract a certain level of respect but, with his clean-cut babyface, it helped him look a little older than his thirty years. Though not much. Tommy, on the other hand, saw nothing wrong with wearing jeans and a T-shirt under a leather jacket. While he looked like a cop on one of the popular crime shows on television, Ben always pointed out that that was Hollywood’s version of a police detective. Since Ben technically was his supervisor and commanding officer, Tommy begrudgingly put a tie on every morning. Most days though, he usually left it loose with his collar wide open. Ben still took it as a victory.

Blowing a cloud of smoke into the air, Tommy dropped what little remained of his cigarette on the ground and stamped it out before taking his corduroy jacket off and tossing it back into the car. If Ben didn’t have to wear his jacket at the crime scene, he sure as hell wasn’t going to wear one.

“Doesn’t this feel much less constricting,” he asked with a grin. “And it’s so much easier to get to our guns in the event we’re in danger.”

“Shut up,” Ben said as he started toward the cluster of men in the field.

“I’m just saying. If your life was in danger, it would be so much easier for me to shoot someone to save you–which you know I would do–if I didn’t have to worry about my jacket getting in the way. Those few precious seconds could save your life one day. Natalie would agree.”

Stopping and turning to look at his partner a few steps behind him, Ben asked, “Why exactly do you think it would have to be you saving me and not the other way around?”

“Because that’s just the way it is,” Tommy answered very matter-of-factly. “Think about how many times I’ve saved your life?”

Ben’s forehead wrinkled, a puzzled expression appearing on his face. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m the one that saved you at least two times that I can think of in the last year alone.”

“Clearly we remember things very differently.”

“You’re a pain in my ass. You know that, right?”

Smiling the thousand watt smile for which he was known, Tommy answered, “I like to think that I keep you grounded.”

So was the way of Detectives Ben Winters and Tommy Mason. More often than not, they sounded like an old married couple bickering about one thing or another. Completely devoted to one another, they were closer than brothers. They’d grown up together, gone to school together, joined the academy together, and when the order was given for a new Detective Squad to be created within the Parker City Police Department, they were tapped for the job.

As it was, for the last four years, they were the only two members of the department’s official criminal investigation team. Though Parker City was by no means a hotbed of criminal activity, they’d been involved in several major investigations which rocked the city. Two of which even attracted the national spotlight, making the pair famous for a few minutes. Most police officers could go their entire careers without being involved in the types of cases which had kept them up at night, but the two young men had earned their detective shields through trial by fire.

Catching his foot in a clump of thick weeds, Ben knew if he tripped and landed in the dirt, Tommy would never let him hear the end of it. Thankfully, he was able to quickly regain his balance and keep himself upright.

His hope that Tommy didn’t see the awkward contortion the lower half of his body performed to avoid hitting the ground was dashed when from behind him he heard the sarcasm-laced comment, “As graceful as a gazelle.” Which was then followed almost immediately by the unmistakable sound of something hitting the dirt. Hard.


Ben turned in just enough time to see Tommy jumping to his feet and dusting off his pants.

“Not a single word,” Tommy admonished, vigorously shaking his head. “I’m well aware Karma’s a bitch.”

Deciding to take the highroad, Ben valiantly stifled the laugh fighting to burst free.

“You’ve got a little bit of something there on your…” Ben started, pointing to his partner’s pant leg.

“Shut it!” Tommy said. At which point Ben couldn’t contain himself. The laughter won and overpowered him.

As the two detectives reached the other men standing in the field, they recognized one of the patrolmen as a new officer who’d just recently joined the department and the other was one of Tommy’s least favorite people on the planet, Buck LuCoco. An overweight, lazy throw-back to the days when the police in the city did as little as they needed to. Neither Ben nor Tommy understood how he was still on the force. Or why he wanted to be with his attitude.

“LuCoco, Brown,” Ben said giving the uniformed officers each a quick nod of his head.

“How is it, Buck,” Tommy began, “whenever a body drops in this town, you’re the first man on the scene?”

“Just lucky, I guess,” LuCoco said, mopping his sweaty brow with a wrinkled handkerchief from his pocket. “It could also be that the scumbags in this city do their dirty work at night and since I’m the first one outta the door in the morning, I get the call. Either way, it’s crap. I tell ya!”

“Being that it’s after lunchtime already–,” Tommy began to say before Ben placed a hand on his arm, giving him the signal to let it go.

Then, turning to the younger officer who appeared quite eager to give his report to the department’s chief detective, Ben asked, “What have we got?”

“This is Sam Ruppert,” Brown introduced the man, referring to his notebook. “He’s one of the city’s engineers. He was doing some routine work out here this morning when he found the body of a young female. D.O.A.”

Turning to Ruppert, a tall, beefy guy in a flannel shirt, jeans, and work boots, Ben took his own notebook from his shirt pocket. “Morning, Mr. Ruppert. I’m Detective Ben Winters. You’re with the city?”

“Public Works Department,” he said in a gravelly voice. “Almost fifteen years now.”

“What brought you out here today?”

“The city’s getting ready to do some work in this field and I needed to take a few quick measurements. We’ve been out here every day for the last week. I thought I’d be here and gone in a few minutes. Then I found…” His voice trailed off as he looked away toward something another twenty or so feet away.

“What did you find?”

“A body. She wasn’t there yesterday. I know that for a fact because I was here all day with a couple other guys. We were all over this place. We’d have seen her for sure.”

Pointing at the mound the engineer was staring at, Tommy asked, “Is that the body?”


“Did one of you cover her up or did you find her like that?” Ben asked, referring to the tattered, green checked blanket.

“She was like that,” Ruppert said taking a deep breath. “At first, I thought it was someone in a sleeping bag or something. Thought maybe they’d slept out here last night. Sky was clear. They could see the stars. But when I got close and hollered, there was no… She didn’t move. When I got up close I saw... Geez. I’ve never seen anything like it. This isn’t how I thought my day was gonna go.”

Other than the occasional funeral, it was true, the average person didn’t have much exposure to dead bodies. But there was something in the way the man was acting that made Ben think there was more to the story. He was too shaken up. If one could be too shaken up after finding a dead body on the job.

“What is it you’ve never seen before?” Ben inquired, interested to hear the conclusion to Ruppert’s story.

“Oh, I think you should just see for yourself, Detective” LuCoco said interrupting, a twisted smirk on his fat face.

“What is it, LuCoco? Just tell us.” Tommy had no patience for the man. There was a time he used to hide his contempt, now he didn’t even try. Not that LuCoco was very observant. Or he just didn’t give a damn.

“Sirs,” Officer Brown interrupted, “let me show you.”

Walking the group over to the covered body, Brown knelt down and, using a handkerchief he’d had in his pocket, pulled the blanket back revealing the naked body of a beautiful young woman with dark wavey hair. But something wasn’t right. Not that the naked body of a woman in the middle of a field was right. But in this instance, it was her skin.

“What the hell?” Tommy’s reaction matched what Ben was thinking. “She’s blue.”

Blue wasn’t entirely accurate, but it was pretty close. The skin was a pale hue, almost white. And there was a frosty sheen to it, with small ice crystals visible around her eyes and mouth. Little droplets glistened on her eyelashes.

“She’s frozen,” Brown said, looking up at the detectives.

“It was cool last night,” Tommy said, kneeling down himself to get a better look, “but not cold enough to freeze to death.”

“No. I mean, she’s frozen like a block of ice.”


Excerpt from Black & White by Justin M. Kiska. Copyright 2024 by Justin M. Kiska. Reproduced with permission from Justin M. Kiska. All rights reserved.

Justin M. Kiska


When not sitting in his library devising new and clever ways to kill people (for his mysteries), Justin can usually be found at The Way Off Broadway Dinner Theatre, outside of Washington, DC, where he is one of the owners and producers. In addition to writing the Parker City Mysteries Series, which includes Now & Then (Finalist for the 2022 Silver Falchion Award for Best Investigator), Vice & Virtue, and Fact & Fiction, he is also the mastermind behind Marquee Mysteries, a series of interactive mystery events he has been writing and producing for over fifteen years. Justin and his wife, Jessica, live along Lake Linganore outside of Frederick, Maryland.

BookBub - @JMKiska
Instagram - @JMKiska
Twitter/X - @JustinKiska
Facebook - @JMKiska


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It's Monday!! What Are YOU Reading? - 2/26/2024


I hope you had a great reading week.
This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOK DATE!

Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
Books Completed:
A LETTER FROM ITALY by Rose Alexander - review will be on March 29.

LOVED IT!!  Great storyline, great setting, loveable characters.

THE UNDERGROUND LIBRARY by Jennifer Ryan - review will be on March 14.

Do NOT miss this one.  FAB read!!
THE WOMAN WITH NO NAME by Audrey Blake - review will be on March 12.

An ok read - too much about planning the resistance maneuvers, but appreciated the brave men and women who risked their lives to save France and thwart the Germans.
MURDER ROAD by Simone St. James - review will be on March 7.

Good storyline and mystery, but I forgot she uses paranormal in her books.  

It was good, though.
THE GIRLS WE SENT AWAY by Meagan Church - review will be on March 6.

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book - don't miss it!!
BYE, BABY by Carola Lovering - review will be on March 5.

Not bad...I liked her other books a bit more.

HER DAUGHTER by Jen Craven - review will be on March 1. 

Not bad but a lot of family drama.

SISTERS OF BELFAST by Melanie Maure - review will be on February 27.

Ohhhhh....LOVED the characters in this book.  ♥️

WHERE THEY LIE by Claire Coughlan - review is in the book's title.

I enjoyed this book a lot.  Great storyline and a great main character.

A debut.
THE WEDDING PARTY by L. R. Jones - review is in the book's title.

It's a good one.

NOWHERE LIKE HOME by Sara Shepard - review is in the book's title.

A slow start, but gets intense.  A wild ending.
THE TROUBLE WITH YOU by Ellen Feldman - review is in the book's title.

Not bad - historical - a little slow.

THE GUEST by B. A. Paris - review is in the book's title.

This is a good one - fans of B.A. Paris and thrillers will love it.
A WILD AND HEAVENLY PLACE by Robin Oliveira - review is in the book's title.
Historical fiction fans will love this one.  Set in Scotland and then Washington state.

Book Currently Reading:

SHE'S NOT SORRY by Mary Kubica - review will be on April 2.
Books Up Next:

NOSY NEIGHBORS by Freya Sampson - review will be on April 3.
LOVE her books.
ALL WE WERE PROMISED by Ashton Lattimore - review will be on April 4.
YOUNG RICH WIDOWS by Kimberly Belle, Layne Fargo, Cate Holahan, Vanessa Lillie - review will be on April 8.
THE HOUSE ON BISCAYNE BAY  by Chanel Cleeton - review will be on April 9.
DAUGHTER OF MINE by Megan Miranda - review will be on April 10.
THE ROYAL LIBRARIAN by Daisy Wood - review will be on April 14.
THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE by Michelle Gable - review will be on April 16.
DARLING GIRLS by Sally Hepworth - review will be on April 23.

A GAME OF LIES by Clare Mackintosh - review will be on April 24.
THE PARIS NOVEL by Ruth Reichl - review will be on April 26.
THE GIRL FROM THE GRAND HOTEL by Camille Aubray - review will be on May 2.
MISS MORGAN'S BOOK BRIGADE by Janet Skeslien Charles - review will be on May 7.
THE RETURN OF ELLIE BLACK by Emiko Jean - review will be on May 8.

SUMMERS AT THE SAINT by Mary Kay Andrews - review will be on May 9.

THE LAST TIME SHE SAW HIM by Kate White - review will be on May 14.
THE INCORRIGIBLES by Meredith Jaeger - review will be on May 21.
THE MAIN CHARACTER by Jaclyn Goldis - review will be on May 22.
THE LAST TWELVE MILES by Erika Robuck - review will be on June 4.
SHELTERWOOD by Lisa Wingate - review will be on June 5.

THE PARIS WIDOW by Kimberly  Belle - review will be on June 11.

HUSBANDS AND LOVERS by Beatriz Williams - review will be on June 25.
THE NIGHT THE RIVER WEPT by Lo Patrick - review will be on July 2.
LADY KILLER by Katherine Wood - review will be on July 9.

LENNY MARKS GETS AWAY WITH MURDER by Kerryn Mayne - review will be on July 11.

LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER by Kimberly McCreight - review will be on July 12.

ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY by Jamie Day - review will be on July 16.

ONLY ONE SURVIVES by Hannah Mary McKinnon - review will be on July 17.

HOUSE OF GLASS by Sarah Pekkanen - review will be on August 6.

THE THIRTEENTH HUSBAND by Greer MaCallister - review will be on August 7.

A PLACE TO HIDE by Ronald H. Balson - review will be on September 17.

THE LOVE ELIXIR OF AUGUSTA STERN by Lynda Cohen Logiman - review will be on October 8.