Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wallflower by Holly-Jane Rablens

Molly Lenzfeld always considered herself a wallflower.  She said no one ever asked her to dance or paid attention to her since she was so tall.  Coming from New York City and being in Berlin while her father was working as a theoretical chemist was an adventure for her in more than one way.

On Thanksgiving Day, she was on her way to see where her mother had lived as a child.  She was not to be gone the entire day, but as she rode the subway system, a handsome young man caught her fancy and she caught his.

The book tells of their day and how Molly turned a trip to visit the town where her mother lived into a love story.

The book is a quick, sweet read.  You get to experience the emotions Molly experiences as she is with this stranger whom she feels is her real first love. 

The author did a great job with conversation which made up the most of the book.   I really enjoyed the chapter titles....they were clever and stretched your imagination concerning what was going to happen in the next few pages.

You will love Molly...a sweet, innocent character who wears her emotions on her sleeve.  Mike her friend from the subway is an interesting character as well.  He is unique in his dress, his humor, and his manner.  

I would recommend this to anyone who has an interest in love...and that would probably be just about all of us.  

Excellent book...well written and interesting content.  It is a true love story with added suspense and hope.  5/5


  1. I've been reading love stories lately. I might have to check this one out.

  2. Hi Elizabeth,thanks for the visit. Took that picture on my little island two days before a hurricane passed by. Big surf.

    Nice to meet you,you have a great space. I love reviews. I'll be back.

  3. This sounds sweet. I don't think I've ever read a review where someone commented on the chapter titles having bearing on the story - pretty cool.

  4. Hi Elizabeth! Following you back. Your review archive is impressive! Nice to meet you.

  5. Great recommendation! I'm a big fan of clever chapter titles besides. :)

  6. This sounds like a lovely read... and I like the fact that it would fit in with my Thanksgiving holiday.

    p.s. Thanks for visiting and following my blog.

  7. Wow, you read a lot. Love the way you do the reviews. Following back. :)

  8. Nice holiday reading. Thanks for suggesting it and also thanks for stopping by the Write Game to say hi.

    Hope to see you again soon.

  9. Sounds like a really nice book.

  10. Sounds cute and fun! Thanks for the review, and for stopping by my blog!

  11. That sounds like a fun read - I'll add it to my list!

  12. Nothing better than a good love story! Thanks for the recommendation!

  13. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I love review blogs, so I'll be back often!
