Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Accidental Don by Guy J. Tirondola

Is it easier or more difficult running away from two things at the same time? depends on what the two things are. Don thought dealing with two problems was easier because the worst one could be put on the back burner for a while.

Don definitely needed to solve and deal with both of these problems, and one was definitely more dangerous than the other. Dealing with the mafia was much more pressing than dealing with a pregnant daughter. To solve both these problems, Don decided to move away and start a new life. The life he and his family began anew and the people he met were quite interesting. You will love Beppe and Israel.

This book held my interest from the beginning. The author is remarkable..the book flows smoothly and very interestingly. I wanted to get back to the book as soon as I could. The characters were described perfectly, and the situations were very times you could feel the fear the characters were experiencing.

For a first book, it was well done. You will enjoy the ending and realize that it is family that matters.

ENJOY!! 5/5

This book was given to me free of charge by the author in return for an honest review.


  1. Enjoyed your review. Is it a candidate for linking in to Books You Loved: October?? Have a great week!

  2. Based on the book cover itself I would never had picked up this book, but this seems to be the case where you cannot judge a book by its cover.

  3. That happens sometimes, Laura.

    Glad you liked the review.
