Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dear Wife by Kimberly Belle

​Two women - one running from an abusive relationship and with escape plans that were in the making for a while and the other we are unclear about.

Sabine never made it to her house showing and Beth is the one we aren't sure about.

We have no background information on Beth, but Sabine has a twin sister, a husband, and a lover.

Do both women have similar situations and travel plans or just plans to leave and get away no matter where they go?  Or do both women have no connection?

We then are introduced to a detective, Marcus, who is relentless in his investigation.  You will wonder what his deal is.

Each chapter is titled with either Beth, Jeffrey, or Marcus and describes their thoughts, their actions, and what is going on with them during the investigation and disappearance.  It is puzzling why Sabine doesn't have her own chapter heading.

Ms. Belle expertly gives the reader tidbits of information and makes us "think" we are solving the mystery, but you will need to be an outstanding detective to figure it out. 

DEAR WIFE is a bit confusing at first and does include domestic abuse, but the story line will keep you curiously turning the pages until the chilling ending.

ENJOY if you read DEAR WIFE, and let everyone know if you were an amazing detective. 4/5

This book was given to me as an ARC by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


  1. This is the third review in two days of this book. Compelling reading.

    1. It is very compelling.

      Thanks for commenting, Mystica.

  2. I didn't love The Marriage Lie the way most people did so I'll have to think about this one.

    1. It was suspenseful - enjoy if you do read it.

      Thanks for commenting, Kathy.

  3. OOH! Certainly a book i'll be keeping a look out for, it sounds intriguing. I only hope it isn't too confusing and that the three person narrative works.

    1. It was fine after the initial confusion.

      The ending is great!! I'd like to know how many people figured it out. :) :)

      Thanks for commenting, Tracy.

  4. Sounds like a new twist on the "wife" book genre.

    1. I hope you get to read it if it is of interest.

      Thanks for commenting, Judy.

  5. I just downloaded this one, and I'm eager to enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think you will like it.

      Thanks for commenting, Laurel.

  6. ENJOY when the book comes in.

    Thanks for commenting, Vicki.

  7. Great review! Sounds like it is a good one!

    1. Thanks, reeca.

      I think you will like it.

      Thanks for commenting.
