Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Dovetail by Karen McQuestion

Finding out you had a grandmother you never knew you had and to have her release you from a treatment center was the best thing that could ever have happened for Joe and his entire family.

Joe wanted to know why his father never told him about his mother.  What could have happened?

Joe was in treatment for nightmares, and his father wouldn’t let him come home until the treatments resolved his problems.

Another question is how did his grandmother find him, and why did she want to find him? Answers are she had a private detective look for him mainly because she wanted him to clean out her house and inventory everything that was in it. That would be a great way to learn about Grandmother Pearl wouldn't it?

We go back and forth from 1916 to 1983 and see the family Joe never knew about as we meet Alice and Pearl as young women and Pearl present day.  The story from 1916 gave details about the family’s life without their mother, and present day gave details about what Pearl told Joe about her past and his place in her life now.

We have another story line that involved a young woman, Kathleen, hiding from her abusive ex-husband in her aunt’s home. Whose home could it be?  None other than Aunt Edna.

Who is Aunt Edna?  She knew Pearl's family, and her sister, Alice, was Aunt Edna's best friend. The odd thing is that when Kathleen and Joe met each other, they did a double take because they seemed familiar to each other, but they couldn't figure out how they knew each other.

DOVETAIL pulled me in because the characters and story line were warm and inviting.  I would have loved to be acquainted with the characters.

If you need an uplifting read set in a small, mid-western town, you won't be disappointed in DOVETAIL. 

This book has intrigue, tenderness, suspense, and an all-around cozy, sweet story line.  5/5

This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Sounds like a good read indeed Elizabeth.

    1. It was very good.

      Thanks for your comment, Kathryn.

  2. I have this on my Kindle and looking forward to reading it soon. Thanks for this post.

    1. You will enjoy it, Mystica.

      Thanks for your comment.

  3. What a fabulous review, Elizabeth. Thank you!

    1. Awwww...thank you, Karen.

      Thank you for the pleasure of reading it.


  4. It was very good.

    I hope you get to read it, Vicki.

    Thanks for your comment.

  5. Oh, yes, I love uplifting reads! Thanks for sharing.

    1. It was uplifting....I think you will like it, Laurel.

      Thanks for your comment.
